Chapter 20 - Backlash

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Everyone's on edge because of Cass's illness. For the last few days, she hasn't shown any signs of getting better. She's been feverish, vomiting, coughing, and passing out whenever she stands. However, today she has made a some-what miraculous recovery for the most part. She's currently sitting at the kitchen table with John and Finn.

"How are you feeling, Cassie?" Finn asks sweetly. "You know, Finn, I think I'm out of the woods." Cass says happily as she eats some toast. "I still think you should rest some more though, Cass. You know, just in case." John says nervously. "I know, I know, and I will. I just wanted to take a break from my room." Cass says, almost sounding sad. John was expecting her to get annoyed at the constant worry their siblings have been showing, but she's obviously appreciative. It's a sign that she's still not back to her usual self.

2 days ago, Cass practically begged to see Tommy. She wouldn't talk to anyone else. When the rest of the family asked why, Tommy said that she wanted to talk to him about her funeral. Everyone grew concerned by the fact that she wanted to plan, clearly she was as scared as they were about how ill she had gotten. In all fairness, it did look like she was on death's door. Clearly miracles can happen since she's definitely on the mend.

After eating, Cass takes John's advice and heads back up to bed. She lays down and tries to ignore the noises from the betting shop which is directly below her. Whilst she was ill, she managed to drown it out since Polly's medicine sent her into a deep sleep. Today, however, is a completely different story. Somehow, she manages to find some sleep. One good thing about Polly's medicine is the fact that she doesn't get bad dreams. She hasn't had one in days, much to her relief.


Cassie stirs awake when she hears yelling downstairs. This doesn't sound like the normal yelling you would hear from a betting den. It sounds like an ambush. She quickly jumps out of bed, throws some normal clothes on rather than her nightgown, and creeps downstairs.

She walks into the den to find it an absolute mess. Well, more of a mess than usual. Chairs and tables are turned over, and papers are all over the floor. She almost jumps out of her skin when she hears a groan on the other side of the room.

"Scudboat?" She says quietly as she helps him onto a chair. "I'm alright." He says in reply, wiping some blood off his forehead before Cass applies a cloth to it. She examines it closely before determining that he doesn't need stitches.

Both of them flinch when the door bursts open, revealing Tommy, Polly, Arthur, John, and Finn. "What happened?" Tommy demands, his eyes raking over his sister quickly before re-focussing on Scudboat. "It was the Lees. All of them. Their kin, their cousins, their bloody bastards. All of them." Scudboat explains, sipping the whiskey that Arthur has poured him. "They've taken anything they can get their hands on." Polly says as she walks back into the room from the offices. "At least 4 cash boxes." She adds, her face scrunched up in annoyance.

"They left these." Tommy says darkly as he holds up some wire cutters for everyone to see. Cass's heart immediately drops into her stomach. This can't be good. "Wire cutters? Why would they leave those?" Polly says, continuing to look around as if it's nothing. "Aunt Pol don't move! Seriously." Cass almost yells, holding her hands up as if to stop her. "I think our friends are playing the game." Tommy says, almost amused. "What bloody game?" Polly says, ignoring her niece's plea. "Polly. Don't move." Arthur says sternly, making their aunt suddenly stop where she is.

"Erasmus Lee was in France." Tommy explains. "Shit." Scudboat says as he realises what the rest of them did a few minutes ago. "Pol, whenever the soldiers were told to leave ground for the Germans, they set up booby traps." Cass explains nervously, her hands shaking. "They were set up with wires, hence the wire cutters. It was part of the joke." Tommy continues for her, knowing how worried his sister must be. "Somewhere in here is a live hand grenade." John says, practically stating the obvious to them. "Holy Jesus." Polly gasps as she holds her hand out for Cass to hold.

"Don't move any chairs or open any doors. Go easy, John boy. Easy." Arthur says as he and John start searching through the room. All Cass can do is watch Tommy shake his head as he realises something. "No. Boys, no. It's not in here. The name on the bullet was mine. Wherever this trap is, it's set up just for me." Tommy says, stopping his brothers in their tracks. That's when it all becomes clear. "The car." Cass says suddenly with wide eyes, prompting Tommy to run out of the room.


"How are you feeling, love?" Polly asks Cass as she pours them both a cup of tea. "It's weird, Pol. Last night I felt like death but now I feel like I'm getting over a common cold. It all happened so suddenly." Cass replies, her brows furrowing in confusion. "I know, but at least you're getting better." Her aunt says with a smile. "Yeah. God, between feeling better and Tommy saving Finn I feel like I could run to Coventry." Cass then says with a small laugh. "Well, I wouldn't go that far, love." Polly teases in reply, happy to see her niece regaining her personality.

"So, what did I miss at John's family meeting?" Cass says, almost mockingly, changing the subject. "Oh, yes. I was meant to tell you. John's engaged..." Polly says with a strange glint in her eye. "What? To who?" Cass says in shock. "Lizzie Stark." Polly replies with a repressed laugh which soon turns into a cackle when Cassie bursts into a fit of giggles. "Lizzie fucking Stark? Oh my God." Cass says through her laughter. What on Earth has her kid brother gotten himself into?

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