Enemies to Lovers Prompt 18 (Part 2): Roger Taylor

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A/N: Here's part two! Didn't want to make you wait. Thanks again for the request TheMercuryQueen

I had fun writing this, a bit sadder than I expected, but hopefully still what you're looking for :) 

Part Two: 

I run. Not towards the group, not towards fun, but towards the exit. I want to be anywhere but here when he goes back to snogging Abigail in the middle of the room. Fresh tears burn my eyes. You absolute idiot! Why are you giving him a reaction?

I find a rogue bench and sit down. No one is around and it's dark enough outside that I can just let myself unload. My shoulders shake as new tears being to fall. Whatever this tension between us is, being enemies or whatever, that's what it is to him. It's not flirting, it's not pretend, he just doesn't like me. And despite it all, I do care. I devote my life to this band, to him, and even just base line respect would be great.

I try to quiet my cries when I hear footsteps approaching. It's Freddie. He sits down wordlessly and pulls me closer to him. "Cigarette?" He holds one out.

"You know I don't smoke Freddie," I elbow his ribs gently. "And you shouldn't either."

He chuckles lightly and lights up anyways. On his first exhale, he looks at me curiously. "Roger hurt your feelings. John told me."

Damn it, John.

"Yeah, well what's new. Don't ask me why I am crying. It's probably the alcohol, sheer lack of sleep, and missing Mira." I look over to Freddie to see his eyes scanning me. Calmly, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Y/N. I know you better than anyone, and I get to say this. You're allowed to wish Roger was kind to you. And you're allowed to be hurt. I'm sorry, and I want to understand why he can't seem to get along with you. But this is nothing to do with you. I heard about his comment, and it was definitely unfriendly, but why is it impacting you this much? Again, it's good to feel it out darling, but could there be something more to this."

I lean back, now wishing I had just accepted the damn cigarette. And despite myself, I tell Freddie the truth. I do care about Roger's opinion. I have since the day I met him. Some delusional part of me always thought I could earn his respect. And an even more delusional part of me can't help the feelings I get every time he's in a room.

By the time I am done explaining, my tears are nearly dry and a few sniffles are left. Freddie pats the back of my hand.

"Thank you for telling me, dear. It gets better. You deserve better. And if he or she or whoever calls you a maid again, I will lock them in a closet with Sid Vicious the first chance I get." I giggle and wipe away my last tear, Freddie pokes my side. "There you are."

I give him a hug as he stands to go inside. "I'll meet you in a bit okay? Just want to catch my breath." He nods and smiles lightly before heading in.

A moment later, I hear a leaf crunch. Startled, I sit up. I shouldn't be out here alone in the dark, plus it's getting quite cold. I begin to stand when I see the source emerge from a few feet away. Roger, again.

"Roger, please, I just. I don't expect you to get it, but I am at the end of my tether tonight. I don't want to banter, I just want to enjoy the party or, Hell, even just go home," I sigh.

"Y/N," Roger says quietly, looking at his shoes. "I, erm, I heard you. I heard what you told Freddie."

My heart completely bottoms out. Am I going to cry for a third time? Seriously? I let out a sad laugh instead and sit back down on the bench.

"Don't worry Roger. I've sat with it all. Freddie's right, it will get better. Please, I'm just asking you, and I know we aren't friends, but please just let this go. I'm humiliated and so tired." My voice has taken on a quieter tone and in general I feel numb.

"I can't let it go," he whispers, having joined me on the bench. "When Abigail said that about you, when anyone says something like that about you, I just get so angry. And then I don't know how to act. And then as a result, I lash out. I just...I'm so confused why I get this way around you."

I've gone still and quiet, our legs are close enough to touch as he continues. "Ever since the day I have met you, I have thought you were beautiful, intelligent, witty, and just....so yourself. I envied you. And once we began the banter I thought it was our thing, you know? But then, you just started pushing me away. Not bantering back. And, I just, I haven't known...what to do."

It's his turn to be silent. I take a shaky breath in. "I know that I'm not like the people you surround yourself with. I'm not a model, I don't have all the fancy things, and at the end of the day yes I am an assistant. Emphasis on assistant, not maid. But, I just, it's one thing to banter. It's another to feel like....to feel like you don't see me as a person worth respecting." I try to chuckle at that but Roger shakes his head.

"No, Y/N, it wasn't funny. And you're right. You aren't like the people I surround myself with. You are so much better. I'm just....I'm just so sorry." I stare at my hands unsure of what to say. Unsure if he knows how much this means to me. Unsure what the hell is going to happen now.

He speaks first "I made it right with Abigail. I called a car for her. And I dumped her. Seeing her speak to you that way...I just had a total moment of what the hell am I doing?"

Shock hits me, "Roger, you didn't have to...she was clearly just speaking from being drunk...and she's beautiful...and I thought you were serious I mean, the necklace..."

He laughs, a quick chuckle then shakes his head. "Really, Y/N? You thought the necklace was actually for Abigail. I saw that necklace months ago in a shop. It has your birthstone on it. Did you look at the back? If you turn it over, there's an inscription. It's small but you could make it out if trying hard. It's the date you joined our team."

My mouth parts. "I don't...I don't understand."

"I'm a coward, Y/N. I have been trying to give it to you for months, and then this morning Abigail saw it and freaked out and I just....I had given up on telling you, so I lied." He looks away, clearly ashamed.

Wordlessly I reach up to grab his face gently and turn him to face me. "Thank you, Roger. It is beautiful, and I almost wore it tonight but....well...I was being petty." I laugh again and thankfully he joins me this time. He considers me carefully before grabbing my hand from his face and taking it in his own.

"Do you want to go find somewhere inside, somewhere to sit and talk? I feel like we have a lot to go over." I meet his eyes, considering this, and then nod.

With his hand still in mine, he helps me stand up. We begin to walk towards the venue again, but then he pauses. I regard him curiously and then he opens his arms and pulls me toward him in a hug. I feel his lips brush against the top of my head.

"God, I like you. I cannot believe I spent so long making you think I didn't." I burrow my head into his neck, taking in his smell.

"You aren't too bad yourself, I suppose." I smirk. He squeezes my side causing me to jump with a giggle.

"Always a little fire in you isn't there, Y/N?" I giggle again and he takes my hand in his. Together, we walk towards what is hopefully a brighter future for us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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