Freddie: He Comforts You When You Have A Nightmare

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Freddie's P.O.V.

I watch (y/n) intently as she sleeps. The sweet girl could really use the rest after all the touring the band has been doing lately. She has been basically on call at all hours of the day and night for the boys and myself, and while we couldn't be more grateful I fear we don't always show her how appreciated she is. The bags under her eyes are noticeable and she takes quiet little breaths; I assume she is off in dream land at this point. What does my darling dream about? I wonder to myself. I stroke her hair lightly, furrowing my brow as she winces in her sleep.

Your P.O.V.

I'm running, but I don't know where to. All I know is that even though my lungs feel like tearing out of my chest, I cannot stop and I cannot look back--It will only cost me precious time. If I stop or fall behind for even a moment I won't survive whatever it is I am running from...

Then it happens..I trip over a rogue branch in the landscaping I am suddenly becoming aware of. Thick woods surround me. I take in the dark and twisted trees as I squint with what little light is available to discern what has now caught up to me. Before i can register, I feel a hand grab my arm. Looking up, I see the dark eyes of my abusive ex boyfriend. How did he find me...It's been so many years... I do what any normal human would do: I scream.

Freddie's P.O.V.

(y/n) yelps in her sleep and that's all it takes for me to sit up right and lean over her, determined to wake her up from this troublesome state. I stroke her hair lightly and shake her in an attempt to get her to open her eyes.

"Love, my darling girl" I shake her shoulder to no avail. I begin shaking harder.

"My dear, it's time to get up," I say, stealing a glance at the clock which reads 3:34 AM, the poor dear will be exhausted tomorrow. Suddenly, her eyes bolt open, pupils dilated to an extent I have never seen. Without hesitation I scoop her into my lap and begin whispering into her ear as the tears roll down her face. I know she has been coping with some work related anxiety, but this level of stress and terror is something I simply can't watch her go through. As her breathing begins to slow, I ask her what it was that she dreamt of.

Your P.O.V.

I snuggle into Freddie's chest, unable to even open my eyes. I memorize the rhythm of his breathing and will mine to match in an attempt to calm my erratic breathing as a result of the flight or fight instincts my dream brought on...absolutely no more early grey after 4 p.m. for me. The stuff messes with my head.

I look up at my boyfriend's dark, but comforting eyes just before he nuzzles into me and asks the dreaded question "darling, what gave you such a fright?"

Never before had I opened up to Freddie about the situation from my past. A three year long abusive relationship that I only had the confidence to leave just six months before Freddie came into my life, and even then legal measures had to be put into place just to keep Paul, my ex, away from me. It was my hope that I would never see him again, but now even the law can keep that creep out of my dreams.

I sigh and sit up straighter, angling my body away from Freddie with my legs over the side of the bed as my head rested in my hands, tears blurring my eyes and threatening to spill. Freddie gently touches the small of my back and whispers "you don't have to tell me, (y/n)." But he is wrong, I do need to tell him. I have been having nightmares on and off ever since the tour had begun, the stress was triggering me and bringing up old memories. While this is no fault of Freddie's, if we are going to be sharing a bed every night he deserves to know what all of this is about.

I swallow heavily and turn to meet his sympathetic gaze. "Freddie, there is something from my past I haven't told you about because it happened six months before I met you, and honestly there was never a right time. You have put me into such a better state of mind and...well...I just felt that maybe I could forget this ever happened to me. And I certainly didn't want to hurt you by sharing it..."

He stares intensely at me, his expression morphing into one of deep concern as he nods and rubs my back, urging me to please continue. And so I did.

"Freddie, you know how I am odd about physical contact with almost everyone besides you. And then again, I even was nervous about physical contact with you for the first few months of our relationship?" He nodded, fear evident in his eyes.

"Did someone hurt you on tour? Is there someone bothering you? I will bloody kill them.." he began, sitting up straighter with fury in his eyes. You gulped because you knew that in part this would be his response and worried how he would take to learning that someone did hurt you...for multiple years. Would he think you were a coward for letting it go on as long as you did...?

"Freddie, please no. No one hurt me on tour and no one is bothering you. But, um, someone did hurt me in the past. For quite a while. Emotionally and physically. Even sexual abuse at times. Um. Freddie, my past boyfriend Paul, I know I have mentioned before he was my only serious relationship. Well, he used to abuse me very regularly," I mumble while staring at my hands in my lap.

Freddie's eyes burn red with an emotion unreadable to me, but best described as absolute agony. Unable to hold his gaze for long I continue blurting out everything coming to my head. "I have a restraining order officially against him now. He can't come near me, contact me, or anything of the sort. I just have never sorted this out really I suppose and I worry the tour might a way triggering me given how stressed I have been. So, erm, the nightmares. Yeah they have been about Paul, I must admit. But please do know Freddie I don't want to be anywhere else and I absolutely refuse to quit being here with you."

Freddie nods solemnly before standing up and walking directly to the phone, fury in his eyes. You sigh looking down at your hands. "Fred....please don't be mad at me. I know I was a coward."

He stops dead in his tracks and turns on his heel to face you. Walking slowly to you he kneels by the side of the bed and takes your hands in his. "You, my darling, are the most brave person I have ever met. You inspire me every day, and if you don't know that by now then it is decided that I must spend every moment of every day reminding you that this is the absolute truth. I am so proud of you for telling me what is going on in that mind of yours. All I want is your safety.....and the death of that scumbag, but relax darling I won't kill him. Though it doesn't suit me much knowing he is walking around unscathed."

I nod, smiling slightly at his protective nature. "So you weren't calling someone to arrange for his death?"

Freddie giggles slightly and reached up to cup my face in his. "No, my love. I was going to call a counselor. We need to go and discuss. It's not that there is anything wrong with you. But I do think it's valuable to discuss this with someone professional. If you feel uncomfortable doing so, perhaps just I could go to learn some strategies on how to cope with this rotten nightmares."

Without a word I lean to kiss his cheek. Unlike everyone in my life who found Paul a charming, handsome man and could hardly believe he could do this, Freddie is the first to just plainly believe me. Not only this, he sees my struggle as so valid he believed I deserved extra help and was willing to seek it with me. What did I do to deserve this man.

He crawls into bed to give me a soft kiss on my cheek. "I have recalled it is now 4 in the morning, so I will call the counselor as they open. In the meantime my love, come have a cuddle. No one will ever hurt you while I am around, and I will see to it that this man get's what he deserves in a court of law."

I lean my head on Freddie's shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. Then, for the first time, I say the words.

"Freddie, I am in love with you." 

A/N: Let me know if you'd like a part 2!  I know this took a bit of an extreme turn, but I felt called to take it in that direction. I found the multiple P.O.V very enjoyable from a writing perspective. I hope you like the longer imagines. Also, thanks for the patience and feedback! Sending all my love. Message me with any and all requests. 

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