Brian: He Comforts You When You Have A Nightmare

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Brian's P.O.V.

For the fourth time this week, I simply can't sleep. After every major show I always have such a rush of adrenaline. Typically, I go blow off steam with the guys at some local pub, but tonight (y/n) asked me to please come back to the hotel with her--something about the fact she's been having nightmares lately. I agreed, of course, but here we are with me staring at the ceiling and her, to my knowledge, sleeping soundly. I huff and bitterly roll over to face her, jealous of her rest. It is then I notice, her face has a noticeable scowl on it, almost looks like she is in pain. I watch as her body twitches slightly and listening close I hear her whimpering. This must be the nightmares she mentioned! Now I can't remember what mum told me, is it better to wake someone while they are having a nightmare or just soothe them while they sleep...

Unable to decide, I stroke her back gently and decide I will attempt to wake her if the dream seems to worsen any. This is not without restraint as I detest seeing my girl in any form of pain. Just last week I found myself tearing up when she stubbed her toe---(y/n) has a weird effect on me. Always logical, I am now finding myself nearly as romantic as Freddie and flirtatious as Roger. What a mess, but a beautiful one at that.

Your P.O.V.

My dreams are always the same ever since my life got so hectic. Darkness with red flashing lights--there's not plot, but the entire time I am filled with a sense of horrible terror. My mum recommended that I see someone about anxiety medicine, but surely this can't be that serious, right?

Fully aware that I am dreaming, I can't wake up. This is torture as my heart pounds sending my body into a panic for now bloody reason. The frustration begins to get to me as I start to shriek in my dream, crying out for somebody to come get me. Crying out for Brian to please help me. This dream feels impossibly long. Can somebody please wake me up?

I begin to wail, hopeless that this will ever come to an end. Why can't I just sleep like a normal person for crying out loud?

Brian's P.O.V.

Louder whimpers have started to come out of (y/n)'s mouth and at one point she is even sort of yelped loudly. My heart simply cannot take it anymore: I have to wake her up. I didn't want to do anything to startle her--even gently shaking her seemed too aggressive in this state. I ponder what to do, not wanting her to wake up to my poof of hair leaning over her either--as much as she loves it, I can't help but think it could be rather menacing in the dark immediately after a disturbing nightmare.

I decide I will gently kiss the back of her hands and arms in an attempt to stir her. Once she begins to slightly rouse I gently whisper "(y/n), lovey, it's time to wake up, alright? Let's go ahead and wake up now, my love." Much to my relief, her eyes flutter open and not two seconds later her arms are flung around my neck, holding on for dear life. I grab back on to her just as tight, feeling the rapid beating of her heart. She felt as fragile as a doll in my arms. I gently kiss away the tears that form at the edge of her eyes as I fight back my own realizing she has been having these nightmares when no one was home to take care of her--all the while I was out clubbing, I shudder to myself with disgust.

Carefully peeling (y/n) off of me, if only to get a better look at her, I rub my hands up and down her shoulder trying to warm her up and calm her shaking body. "Love, what was your dream about?" I inquire.

"That's the thing Bri, and you're going to think I am so stupid, I just know it. The dream isn't about anything. All I say is darkness and these intimidating lights and for some reason...these feelings of absolute terror and anguish just take over me...oh please don't look at me like that. I knew you would think I was nutty..." she mumbles before sighing and placing her head in her hands, trying not to cry.

My expression morphs into one of concern as I say "My love, I could never think you are crazy. Surely, you must know that. As for the dream, it doesn't have to make sense. All I need to know is that it's troubling you. You should know I am now hell-bent on finding a solution. Tomorrow I will have the driver take me to the library to do some research on the nightmare business. And, love?" I look up at her.

"Yes, Bri?" she replies.

"You are not to go to sleep alone anymore, my sweet girl. Not on my watch. Do you know you are safe?" I ask. She nods. "Do you know you are loved?" I carry on. Again she nods. Gently kissing her lips I pull her back into my lap and rock her back and forth. We stay like that for a while until we both nod off into far more peaceful sleep. 

The next day we hit the ground running, searching for remedies for my love. When (y/n) suggests she may want to see a therapist, I offer to go with her and she graciously accepts. This is something we will tackle together. 

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