Roger: He Gets Too Competitive While Playing A Game

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A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth threatening to break your less than stellar poker face as you watch Roger lay down the cards in his hand. Certain he has the win, he is smiling in a smug manner, ready to claim the winner's prize of a date night of their choice. You have been wanting to try out a new cafe for weeks, but Roger is far too picky and feels certain he won't like anything on the menu. Plus, he claims it's "not worth it to deal with the bloody press." The two of you have been cooped up in your flats for almost two weeks straight as the band is on a break from touring. Motivated by this insatiable desire to get out of the house and stop living like hermits, you have decided this round of poker is do or die; you must win.

Roger grins ear to ear. "Four Queens. Now I highly doubt you have anything better than that. No, no. No need to embarrass yourself, (y/n). Go change into your joggers, you'll need to be comfortable while I beat you at video games. Shall I call in a pizza?" He begins to stand up. Immediately, you grab his arm pulling him down to the floor.

"You cheeky thing," your grin finally breaks through as you reveal a straight flush. His jaw drops as though he is aghast. Giggles threaten to spill over as you ruffle Roger's already disheveled blonde hair. He looks back and forth between his cards and your own before finally standing up and exiting the room in one swift motion. Your stomach flips as you wonder to yourself, surely he wouldn't actually be upset about something so very trivial....right?

You wait a few moments in the sitting room, perhaps he has just gone to change for our dinner at the cafe. Then suddenly you hear loud music emerging from your bedroom. You pad down the hallway covering your ears as you go. Dramatic, much? You turn the corner to enter your room, only to find Roger is not sitting on your bed as you expected him to be. You enter further, approaching the bathroom and find that steam is covering the mirror. He has hopped in the shower, but as the angry music blares you suspect he isn't getting ready for dinner after all. In fact, he had showered just before the two of you had played.

"Rogerrrrr" you call, rolling the "r" in an attempt to amuse him.

"Go away, (y/n)," he growls.

You step back from the shower, shocked at his tone. Sure the two of you often tease one another, but rarely does he use such a venomous tone. Especially given how sensitive of a person you are--a quality he says is one of his favorites.

You quietly walk back into your room, gently lying down in the bed willing yourself to brush off his words. He hadn't said anything explicitly mean after all. Riddled with anxiety about what could be wrong, you buried your face in his pillow on his side of the bed, the mere smell of him comforting you. Soon after, you hear the sound of the shower dissipating and heard Roger sigh to himself as he entered the room.

As soon as Roger's foul mood has begun it is over. You know this to be true when you feel his gentle hand on the small of your back, still warm from his shower. "(y/n), I am so sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I know how my words can affect you. Please forgive me. I am just a sore loser. Please. Please. Please," he punctuates each please with a kiss on your head before flipping you over and attacking your face with kisses.

Of course you forgive him. It really hadn't occurred to you that he could care so deeply about winning a bet; in fact, if he truly didn't want to go to the cafe that badly you didn't have to at all. You break into full blown laughter as he relentlessly kissed your face. "There's that smile I love so much. Now go on, put on a cute outfit and that new necklace I got you. We better get to the cafe quickly before the bloody press sniff us out!" He helped you up off the bed as he himself began to get ready as well. You smiled softly, excited for your date and proud of Roger for stepping out of his comfort zone. 

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