Roger: "Stop Looking At Me Like That!"

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Your P.O.V.

I bounded up the steps of my best friend Roger's front porch with a bottle of white wine in my hand, knowing full well all he had was beer and I wasn't in the mood for that. He had invited me over for a movie, our usual Sunday night tradition when he wasn't touring with the boys. Sometimes they would join in, but as soon as he told me we could watch a romantic comedy, I knew it would be just the two of us tonight. He had such a fragile ego at times and anytime Brian, Freddie, or John came to movie night we always ended up watching some action-packed-gore-fest, so let's just say I wasn't complaining. Plus, I was never one to turn down alone time with THE Roger Taylor.

I know, I know. That might struck some as an odd thing to say about someone who is just a friend, but no matter how many times I tried to convince myself otherwise I did have deeper feelings for Roger they always came through. Even now as I swung open his front door after unlocking it with my own key he had given to me to make matters easier, the pesky butterflies swarmed and invaded flapping their eager wings at the edges of my stomach. These nerves had become normal and especially at a time like this when I was seeing him after he'd been on tour for a while, my feelings couldn't be more intense. The only issue was as his best friend I had heard it all, stories of women far more interesting and wise than I could ever aim to be, surrounding Roger and the other boys at all times. Simply from hearing them discuss this I knew Roger didn't reciprocate my feelings, and why would he? I shook my head passing through the door and called out to him.

"Roggie! I'm here!" I heard a clatter in the kitchen and smelled a slight burning smell vaguely reminiscent of muffins.

Oh dear, I hope he hasn't tried to bake again, I thought internally though I may have muttered something aloud as I was greeted with a smirking Roger, one eyebrow raised asking me "What was that, (y/n)?" I looked around and shifted my weight on my feet before shrugging and opening my arms for his familiar embrace. The scent of Roger filled my nostrils and I fought an urge to nuzzle into the safety of his chest as I had once or twice before when the two of us were far too drunk for him to notice the difference.

I broke from his embrace, much to my dismay, before I could let my mind get any further. "Well then, I brought some wine for myself as I know you're no good for having anything but beer on hand!" I joked with him as I side stepped past him over to the couch. "What movie will we watch tonight then, Roggie?"

Out of the corner of my eye I felt him just smiling and staring at me and I fought back the crimson flush that threatened to evade my cheeks and show him I was noticing. I shifted uncomfortably before leaning into the edge of his couch and pretending to busy myself by collecting a stack of our film options off of the coffee table. How weird, he has never set them out like this. And these are all.....romantic and sad...?

His stare was unrelenting so I tried to quickly select a movie and divert his focus from whatever disaster I must look like to cause him to stare so much. "Aha! Let's watch this one." He nodded before even looking at the movie I selected. Gently he plucked it from my hand before placing it in the player and wandering off to the kitchen, presumably to grab some beers for himself and whatever baking catastrophe he had concocted.

He came back into the room, "What did you pick, love?" It wasn't rare for him to call me these little pet names and seeing as I knew they meant nothing I simply picked at my nail unwilling to react. I never let it get to me when things were a bit awkward at first after a long touring stretch. Roger and I were the type of friends that could spend months apart and pick up like we had seen each other yesterday.

"I just grabbed this one: The Way We Were." I grinned at him, knowing how he hates that film as (spoiler alert) the leading couple doesn't end up together and according to Roger unless it's due to an amazing action sequence, unhappy endings should not be tolerated. However, I found the film mature and realistic and after months of him being on tour I could use something other than the typical fight scenes I had to watch with the boys. Besides, I never pay attention well anyway because all I can think about is when your hand brushes my shoulder or how close your thigh is to mine...I shrugged, holding that thought end, and watched as the title sequence began. Tears already brimming in my exhausted eyes at the beauty of the scenery and interesting nature of the time period we found ourselves in.

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