Freddie: "I am forever yours." (Part 2)

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A/N: I didn't feel like making you all wait. :) Enjoy.

Freddie's P.O.V.

Ignoring the stares of Elton and Straker, I pretended to continue listening to the long-winded, but plotless story Mary has begun to tell about her experience at a restaurant last week. Her friend's empathetically nodded as she describes the 'torture' of waiting more than 15 minutes for the check. I let my mind wander elsewhere unable to feign interest a moment longer.

Why did she just leave like that? She shows up halfway through my bloody birthday party and can't be bothered to stay ten minutes? My thoughts slowed down and filled me with palpable guilt as I remembered feeling her wet tears on my cheek. My hands shake slightly; I hadn't ever made her cry before. I shook my head in an attempt to reassure myself. She was in the wrong here, right?

Brian came up to join the circle and I groan audibly knowing he is going to ask me about the whereabouts of (y/n). I appreciate him being the logical voice in most instances, especially when it involves getting us home when drunk and organizing band logistics but I knew I couldn't handle a lecture at this moment.

I opened my mouth to tell him to save it, but am surprised when he shoves a packaged gift into my chest. The wrapping paper is stunning, and I feel certain I had seen it before when I was shopping with (y/n). I clutch at the gift and turn to face my other band members who have now joined in on what is threatening to become an unwanted intervention.

"I told you guys no gifts." I rolled my eyes.

"This isn't from us," John piped up as I took a much needed sip of my beer. Quizzically, I raised my eyebrows as though to ask Well who the hell is it from then? Quickly realizing it must be from (y/n), I set it back down on the table.

"I'll open it later," I finish, pivoting away from them.

"Woah woah woah, don't just set that anywhere Fred, seriously. That might be the most valuable gift at this party." Roger chimed in, and I turned back towards them.

"I told her not to get me anything nice. She doesn't need to spend money..." I was cut off by the boys smiling sheepishly.

"It's valuable in a different way, Freddie." Brain concluded and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't be a smart ass." I retorted before opening the gift carefully as to not ruin the wrapping paper. My heart was warmed a little when I realized she went back to the shop just to get the one I had noted as my favorite, but I tried to stay stern. She had shown up late after all.

I felt surprise wash over me as the first thing I saw was my own face smiling up at me. To clarify, it was a painting of my own face. As I inched the present further out of the box, I saw (y/n's) face also smiling up. In Japanese style, we were painting hugging tight and grinning ear to ear on the day after Bohemian Rhapsody had hit number one on the charts. I could still recall immediately after this moment when I had kissed her firmly on the lips and insisted she officially become my girlfriend. My jaw dropped as I studied the frame and its hand written notes from those who had inspired me over the years. Tears welled up in my eyes; one spilled over as I read her note to me.

"Was this...was this what she's been running around doing all day," the boys nodded, not bothering to hide their judgement of my outburst form earlier. How cold I had been to brush her off like that. Shame washed over me.

"Oh, my baby." I sighed before looking around the room wanting to find her and thank her. I needed to ask her about her day. I began to look around more urgently when I didn't immediately find her. Fear washed over me, had she really left? She had a drink in her hand...

Seeing the fear in my eyes, John looked directly at me as his own filled with fear. "I saw her go out the back door earlier." My stomach dropped as I clutched the gift to me, making my way swiftly through the house. I bumped firmly into Phoebe who looked at me, knowingly.

"I don't have time, Phoebs. I'm so scared. She's going to get hurt." He replied by holding up her keys. While this reassured me that she wasn't drunk on the road, a clap of thunder brought me back to reality. She will get sick in a storm like this.

I felt a grip on my arm and saw Paul. He looked annoyed with me. "She will turn up tomorrow. You know how she can be when she gets moody." My jaw clenched slightly as I looked at him menacingly. "Don't," was all I said before turning back to Phoebe.

"Come on then, we must go get her." Phoebe and I raced out the door and to her car. We hopped in, him obviously taking the driver's seat as my own hands nervously traced around the frame of the gift. It was dark, and I was an asshole.

We had driven a little under a mile when I felt tears spilling from my eyes. My voice was strained as I asked Phoebe if I thought we would find her.

Rather than responding he slowed the car to a stop and I saw her, curled up on a bench looking at her hands. I quickly rolled down her mechanical window "Love, come get in the car. Baby, please," My voice became desperate as she didn't respond. I opened the door and hopped out, walking over to her. She was asleep, shivering as she dreamed.

Quickly, but gently I scooped her into my lap cradling her. I felt frustrated at her recklessness, guilt at my carelessness, and above all else relief that she was safe. As her eyes fluttered open I kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"Freddie?" she murmured, though it came out more like a whimper. She was still shivering, and so I pulled her into my coat, rubbing her arms to create friction.

"Hi, baby girl." I whispered, fighting back tears. As she curled into my chest I stroked her hair.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your birthday. I wanted things to go perfectly, but as per usual I wasn't able to pull that off." I dramatically dropped my jaw in mock frustration.

"You think your gift was anything less than perfect?" I poked at her side in a hope to get her to smile. She squirmed and didn't budge, and I softened seeing her tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Darling," I started.

"It doesn't matter. I was late. Paul told me how you didn't want to see me. I know you're mad." She broke into soft sobs that shattered my heart into a million pieces. I was going to kill Paul. More than that though, I was furious with myself.

"I'm not mad at you, lovey." I pulled her face up to look at me and kissed her gently once again. "I could never ever stay mad at you. Even if you weren't on time. I should've listened. I should've let everyone know how proud I was of my girlfriend and how great her gift was. Even though I told you not to get me a gift..." I trailed off, looking down at her as she smiled gently. "There's my favorite smile in the world!" It was short lived though as she looked down at her hands.

"You said I was barely your girlfriend," I winced hearing my words played back. How could I have said something so cruel.

"Darling, I didn't mean that. You are forever mine. You said so yourself. And I better hear you say it again right now," I began, flipping our usual roles. I quickly gave kisses all over her face in neck as she squirmed in my lap, now giggling uncontrollably as I punctuated each kiss with a tickle to her sides.

"Fr-Freddie! Stop it! I am forever yours! I AM FOREVER YOURS!" I smiled, satisfied as her giggles trailed off.

"And don't you forget it, darling." I sat her up gently and extended my hand. She took it cautiously as though to ask what we were doing.

"We are going home, love. So I can embarrass you by showing everyone your gift and getting you drunk enough to dance with me on the kitchen table." I pinched her nose before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the car, much to her protesting. Smiling I looked over at her once we were seated in the car, winking at Phoebe who looked at us through the rearview mirror. Even after all this chaos and pain; I knew the night would be okay. She was forever mine, and that was more than enough for me. 

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