Brian: You Play A Prank On Him

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I'm lying down propped up on my elbow listening to Brian strum his guitar aimlessly before leaning back in frustration. Abruptly, he sits up on the bed we are both laying on and stands up before exiting our bedroom at the flat we purchased this year. After the band's recent success, we have more financial freedom. Brian tires of being away from me and wants to spend every waking moment together when he isn't touring, so naturally we moved in together. I have been loving it thus far, but as Queen is attempting to wrap up recording for their new album on a tight schedule things have started to get a bit...tense.

"Um, pardon me, where are you going?" I asked noticing Brian had grabbed his red special and a jacket.

"The studio!" he replies tersely and I roll my eyes. Sometimes I swear he cares more about that bloody guitar than me, his own girlfriend! Like, honestly, if that thing got hurt or went missing I bet he would issue a higher reward for its safe return than if I did! Okay, maybe I'm dramatic, but he's been a real crab lately!

I am broken from my train of thought as the door slams loudly signifying he is gone. I sarcastically mumble a "thanks for your time and undivided attention" in the direction of where he was been sitting trying to ignore the sadness creeping up on me.

Lazily, I get around to rolling up off the bed and making my way downstairs. Pouring myself a small cocktail I sip quietly feeling awful sorry for myself and wondering why it is he spends so much time in the studio relative to the other boys lately. Dropping my head into my hands thoughts of the worst creep up on me. My head dances with taunts of another women or just the notion that I am not interesting enough to keep him around. Just then, the phone trills shockingly loudly waking me from my downward spiral. Leaping off the kitchen chair upon which I've made my perch, I get to the phone at the last ring breathlessly answering, "(y/n) here, may I ask who's calling."

"Yes, yes darling. It's Freddie. Listen we just got update that Brian has headed to the studio from Phoebe who was picking up some belongings for us from there. What do you say we have Phoebe come and grab you to come over for a quick supper with myself, John, and Roger." the voice on the other end answered. I smile down at my hands before gratefully agreeing. After spending so much time around the boys it was almost like they had some type of sixth sense about when I may be feeling down or lonely, even when Brian himself couldn't tell.

Pulling on one of Brian's old jackets I catch myself smiling slightly at his familiar scent. Warm, yet clean and above all else a scent of absolute safety reminiscent of the days when it seemed like he actually had time for me. I try not to let myself linger knowing Phoebe will be arriving soon, but do take time to steal one last glance at myself in the mirror in the bathroom Brian and I share. Moving a few strays from my eyes I inspect the light coat of makeup I applied earlier in the day, wondering if it was something wrong with me causing the rift in my relationship with Brian. Sighing I went descended the staircase two steps at a time eager to finally enjoy some company with the boys, hopeful they may even be able to provide me with some insight.

The ride with Phoebe is quick and the conversation is effortless only reaching an awkward lilt as we arrive at Freddie's and Phoebe tells me he feels as if he and the boys never see me anymore. Shrugging it off I promise I will try to change this, but inside I feel sad and a bit powerless as far as what to do. I have knocked only once when Freddie dramatically swings the door open greeting me with an over eager "DARLING, (y/n) is here everyone, come in! Come in now. We are cooking something special and by we of course I mean not me because as you know I can't cook worth a damn." Giggling, I enter Freddie's flat and a few hours of conversation pass before I bridge the topic really weighing on me.

After I tell my side of the story to the boys and voice my concerns about feeling Brian and I are growing apart I see Roger and Freddie looking at each other mysteriously. John, on the other hand, is merely looking off into the distance. Probably day dreaming about Veronica, I think to myself, clearly envious of their relationship at the moment. Looking back at Roger and Freddie, I audibly groan in frustration before crying "I should've known you two wouldn't take this seriously!"

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