Brian: He Gets Too Competitive While Playing A Game

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You smile quietly to yourself enjoying observing the game of Trivial Pursuit taking place between your boyfriend, Brian May, and his three bandmates Roger, John, and Freddie. You had arrived to the dressing room a bit too late to join in, so you had been watching chiming in here and there when the boys would bicker about the rules of the seemingly simple game.

At this point, the game was close to wrapping up, which was a good thing seeing as the boys would soon have to begin getting ready for their show due to begin in two hours. Brian and Freddie are neck and neck. Freddie had completed his "pie" piece and was ready to move towards the center of the board, and Brian needs only one more piece to complete his and do the same. Luckily for Brian, he rolls and lands on the space allowing him to answer his final question in the science/nature category--his obvious strong suit. Brian cockily smirks and winks over at you, feeling as though he has this one in the bag.

John clears his throat and articulately reads the question that will decide Brian's fate in the oh so intense game of Trivial Pursuit. You roll your eyes at how seriously the boys are taking this, but can't help but smile as you see Brian squint in intense concentration as John asks, "What 'leggy' cluster of space dust in the Taurus constellation is the remains of a star that exploded in 1054?"

You grin widely--with a degree in astrophysics you know your boyfriend will confidently answer such a question and take the game. Brian winks over at you and answers without hesitation: "Butterfly Nebula." He reaches towards the pie piece before Freddie smacks his hand and says "not so fast, darling. Deacy, did he provide the correct response?"

John looks wearily between the two knowing a war is to come "erm, Brian, the correct answer is Crab Nebula."

Brian looks absolutely gobsmacked. "No, no. Butterfly Nebula is the correct answer from the List of Messier objects. I can guarantee." John shakes his head with an expression that begs Brian to not shoot the messenger and passes over the card. A look of realization washes over Brian.

"Why did you have to mumble when you read the question? Clearly I didn't hear you correctly I thought you said Scorpius not Taurus. Bloody Hell, John. This is the millionth reason I hate this bloody stupid game! Whatever. All of you can sod off. Not like any of you would know the difference between these constellations bunch of ignorant rotters..." Brian says eyeing all of you down before flipping the game board spilling everyone's pie pieces and effectively ruining the game.

The guys all look at you expectantly after Brian storms off to the hallway. You gulp and then glare at them for leaving you to deal with the mess. Roger reaches out to pat your shoulder, but you shrug him off as you brace yourself to deal with Brian's temper. A usually calm and logical man, you know how your boyfriend can behave when his intelligence is threatened, and you need to reign him in before it is showtime for the band.

You make your way down the hall. It doesn't take long to spot Brian with his voluminous curls and tall, lanky figure. He is pretending to tune his red special guitar with a look of frustration on his face, cheeks flushed. When you walk towards him he rolls his eyes and growls, "and what on earth do you want? To make fun of me like I know they all must be doing in the dressing room?"

You look down at your shoes and try not to take his words to heart. "I am just coming to check if you are alright, love. I believe Freddie has begun warming up and I think it could be best for you to get into your costume here soon."

Brian throws an icy look your way "glad to hear you think you know everything about what I need to be doing right now, (y/n). Could you have perhaps forgotten I have been doing this for years before I have known you and have gotten on just fine without your help."

That was all it took--tears stung your eyes as you turned on your heel assuming this was a situation Brian would need to sort out on his own. And all over a board game, nonetheless. Brian could go from so logical and kind to a competitive monster in just a few moments, and the transition never ceased to throw you for a loop. As you begin to walk away you hear brisk footsteps and feel a hand come into contact with your wrist. Bracing for the worst, you turn to meet the Hazel eyes of your boyfriend, which are now filled with guilt.

"(y/n), I have no idea what just got into me. You keep me so grounded ask any of the guys--before you started joining us on tours I was a mess. These tantrums, such as the one you just saw, were multiplied by a thousand. The fact that you even try to calm me down just shows me how simply extraordinary you are and that I don't deserve you at all." he blurts out.

"Bri..." you start only to be cut off by his lips gently meeting your forehead.

"Love, I am so sorry. All I want is to impress you and honestly sometimes I lose sight of the fact that you already love me for who I am and in the process act like a bloody fool, which is the opposite of impressive. Please forgive me. I don't know what I'll do if you don't," he says while pointing to his disheveled hair you always helped him tame before they went on stage.

You can't help but quietly giggle at this. He strokes your cheek lovingly and hand in hand you return to the dressing room, the game long behind you, to get ready for an unbelievable concert. 

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