Freddie: He Gets Too Competitive While Playing A Game

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"No, Fred. You don't get to have that count for a triple letter score. In fact, I don't even think that counts towards points in this game," John admitted wearily. The game of Scrabble had been the sole source of entertainment for the band on this train ride and you sat next to your boyfriend, Freddie Mercury, giggling at the swear word he had tried to just pass off as a viable play.

"Are you mad, John? How can this be fair! It was just a few weeks ago you allowed Roger to play a very similar word. What was it again then? Began with a 'C'?" Freddie whined.

"Well, we have since changed the rules. So, regather your thoughts and try again." John said firmly with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. You stifled a laugh as Freddie's lower lip protruded into a pout you often could not resist. He wouldn't get his way this time. The band took scrabble way too seriously.

"Come on, (y/n), tell John this is unfair! He is simply scared of losing to me." Freddie implored you to take his side. You knew better than to get into a middle of a quarrel between bandmates--especially when competition was involved. You simply shrugged your shoulders and said you were off to collect yourself another drink.

As you walked away Freddie sighed and you smiled to yourself knowing he'd come up with something before you got back. For someone who declared reading a "waste of time" Freddie sure was a living dictionary when it came to his favorite game.

However, as you poured yourself a vodka tonic at the mini bar you heard a loud crash that sent your head whirling around in the direction of the boys. You saw the unmistakable scene of the crime: tiny Scrabble letter pieces scattered all over the train floor. Your eyes traveled slowly up from the floor to the culprit, a seething Freddie. You took not more than one step in his direction before he completely turned on his heel and headed towards his private cabin shutting the curtain. Setting the drink down and shooting an amused John a look of resentment you followed your adorably dramatic boyfriend back to his hideout.

"Freddie," you whispered to not draw attention or wake Roger who was sleeping in his own resting area.

"Go away, (y/n). You will just take John's side anyway" Freddie whined.

"Freddie. You better let me in right now or I can assure you that I will request a separate room at the hotel when we stop this evening" you retorted. You heard silence for a few moments before the curtain slowly opened revealing a still somber Freddie. You struggled to keep a straight face. You know he was competitive and genuinely couldn't reel in his emotions sometimes, but this habit was one you found irresistible in so many ways. You slid in to his lap and said, "now love, you know this is just a game. In fact, 9 times out of 10 you have beaten John at scrabble. I myself have never even come close to matching half of your score. I know it may seem unfair, but maybe this once we could give the underdogs a chance to be right. If we play again later, just you and I, we can have some special terms and conditions so that you may use swear words to your heart's content. Okay, darling?" you offered.

Freddie's eyes lit up. He then turned a shade of light pink as he realized his theatrics may not have been called for. You quickly quelled his embarrassment by offering him a long kiss on the lips. He smiled and cuddled you close. "Sorry that I am such a dramatic, old tart. No guarantees that I will change, but for this once I will let John get away with his silly rules. Only because everyone deserves to feel like a champion once in a while." he winked. You couldn't help but smile at him. You took his hand as you both went back in the direction of John to resume the game. You noticed the scrabble pieces were no longer on the ground, and John wasn't seen to be sitting at the table either. You did a double take as you heard light snoring and realized John had fallen asleep lying down in his seat. Freddie covered his mouth trying not to laugh before quickly grabbing your hand and leading you back to his resting area. Maybe you two could pick up where you left off with that kiss since you had a little time to yourselves after all. 

A/N: Tried to increase the length of this imagine! I have written a few chapters of my first long story and hope to begin posting those in the weeks to come. I hope my writing on these has improved somewhat, but I know I have miles to go. Sending love! Emma

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