Brian: You Overhear Him Talking About You

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Brian: You're home early from work and come into the house quietly, setting your things down on the table. Tired, you remove your shoes and plop down on the couch. Although you don't necessarily need a job, it is a source of entertainment and lets you channel your passion for art as a pottery instructor for young kids. It gives you and sense of purpose.

Before you let yourself relax against the couch you hear a bang from the master bedroom upstairs that you and Brian share. While it doesn't sound too serious, it alerts you that Brian must be home early from the recording studio. You quietly pad up the stairs as you hear him speaking and wonder if he is using the telephone in the bedroom to make a phone call. Not wanting to interrupt, you gently lean against the frame of the cracked door and try to overhear what he is speaking about.

Making out a few words here and there you realize he has said your name several times. Your interest is peaked, so you lean in to see him crouched over the dresser folding and putting away some of your clothes from the load of laundry that you did this morning. You sigh contentedly; Brian works so hard and then in his free time he still does the little things to help you out here and there. You hear him begin muttering again while folding up your favorite blouse—in fact, it's the blouse you wore for your first date with Brian all those years ago.

"I will never forget how stunning she looked in this. And how beautiful she looks even when she wears it today. How is it that her beauty hasn't changed—if anything it has only grown? Then again, I would be mad to think she could get more beautiful than she already is...although perhaps I am going slightly mad...I am talking to myself after all."

That was it. You felt your face heating up as you erupted into giggles. You had never heard Brian talk to himself like this before. And sure, he had said sweet things to you before, but you never knew that he said them even when you weren't around! At the sound of your giggling he looked up mortified. His expression of mortification morphed into one of annoyance, and then finally amusement as he saw how big you were smiling. He swiftly stood up and took you in his arms, "How much did you hear?" he asked before pulling you into a long kiss. 

A/N: Sorry for the delay! Please vote and comment/message me any suggestions. I am in need of some ideas for more imagines. I have begun working on a longer fanfiction as well and will be posting chapters from that as another story soon. All my best!

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