ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷 : ᴀ sᴜᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴅɪsᴄᴏᴠᴇʀʏ

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𝐘/𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Here I am having such a great night celebrating my highschool graduation with my family. To we had eaten such a lavish feast and had played a lot of foolish banter all day long with it ending with me being very wasted from such activity to me drop-dead sleeping from such exhaustion.

As I woke up to morning. I had run to do my morning routine and have to greet my parents after. As I had finished my routine, I then first greeted my mother.

"Hi! Mother, goodmorning~" I said in a bubbly and bright energetic tone.

"Morning, sweetheart! Here I packed your (f/f) for the road." Mother said in soothing yet elegant way.

"I still can't believe my baby girl has now become a young woman...Oh my~ how much time had flew by..." My Father said surprisingly out of nowhere yet tries to remain his stoic composure.

"Goodmorning to you too, Father" I said while smiling yet trying not to loose out a chuckle.

"Are you sure you'll be fine, driving yourself alone...?" Father said with showing his concern.

"Yes, I will be fine father!" I said trying to guarantee him.

"Okay, just call us when you arrive there safely." Father said in a loving manner.

"Yes, father" I said to reassure him.

As I go out the house. I then go straight to the garage and then father passed me the keys of one his cars so I can use it as a way of transportation, for me to use it as well in eager to visit them whenever possible.

I was about to get inside the vehicle but then my mother and father hugged me and wishes me a safe travel as to also giving me, my luggage. Now I am all set up... For my new journey.

"Ok, now my target destination is college." As I said with such enthusiam.

I then drove up to ten miles or so. To stop the car first so I can atleast take a break and eat at a burger joint. As I was enjoying the food I then receive a phone call from my older sister Chihiro. I then picked the phone up.

"Y/n, speaking!" I said as I was irritated to her interrupting my peace as I was eating.

"Y/n, so heading up to college? Eyy~" Chihiro said in a cheeky tone.

"Yes sis, but why must you ask something so predictable?" I tend to show my irritation toward her as possible since she barely calls me. So I then got over guessing from her action of needing something from me.

"I need you to pick me up from work." She had said in such stern tone.

"Excuse...me?" I said with such appalled disbelief.

"Oh... Come On! Now Y/N you do owe me since I will be helping mom and dad pay for your college tuition." She flexed with pride which she beaten me in the arguement.

"Fine.... But I need to hurry up... So I can atleast be early to set my things up in the school's dormitory." I said to scold her into not doing anything impulsive. It is embarassing how the older sibling is the childish one in my situation.

"That is why you are a week early, just in case right? Since the school is far away..." My older sister said to reassure me.

"Come On, you can also stay at my place and rest there for a day." She offered me an enticing deal.

"Okay, I'll go ahead and pick you up. But are you close by?" I asked for convenience.

"Oh.Yes.... I am~ since I put a tracking device on your phone for your safety~" She mockingly sneer and chuckle.

"Bitch... Why must you invade my privacy!?" As I got angry at her unbelievable behavior.

"Tsk... As I'm going to pick you up, you better take out that tracker!" I threatened her as I still agreed to get her to her apartment due to me still needing a place to rest.

"A deal's a deal... My beloved sister~" Chihiro said in victorious.

I then lost my appetite from that damn phone call then headed to the car and start the engine then drove my way out of there to go straight to my sister's work place which I was questioning since I know her profession was being a literature professor but learned after that she stopped then changed her job status as a folklorist. Which I did remember as a child she told me a story on how she had almost drown at the Kohaku River but for some miracle was saved due to a unknown entity.

"Tsk. She possibly made that up." As I had shaked my head as to thinking it must have been my sister's imagination.

I then reached her work place, next to it calling her that I have now arrived to pick her up. Little did I know that she surprisingly jumped to hug me from behind. To me scolding her yet again to act more mature and be responsible that she could had given me a heart attack. "This damn woman..." I silently said in my mind.

"Alright, alright! Stop treating me like a child.... Tsk! You sound just like mom!!!" My sister shouted her statement.

"Unfortunately.... Someone has to" I said with sarcasm.

"Okay get in the car hurry, We need to pick up the pace." As I go back to being in my serious state. Yet no shocker as I catch my oaf of a sister from falling to I can guess from her stench of alcohol.

"Ugghh! Damn it... Why didn't you tell me, you were drunk!?" I shout at how incomprehensible she is at her situation.

"I...was..emba...rassed..." She said from her stuttering.

As I had sigh, I tried my very best to put her in car. Luckily it was no problem. As I had ask her where her place is. She fortunately was useful to tell me her address. But how unfortunate it was that my situation was when it's so dark at night and the the car's headlight stopped working. To me - in no shit sherlock - outburst that I have lost our way. But I had to keep on driving so I can't waste anymore time. Due to this situation I didn't noticed to how I was half a sleep driving in the middle of a somewhat forest area. I was petrified to how fast the car was running to that even my sister woke up. To our suprise we had almost crashed into a statue, luckily I stopped the car at the right time. Then got out of the car to look at mysterious red tunnel which I had find alluring in a way....Yet as my sister got out of the car it appears to her that seeing it was suddenly very familiar.....

𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 | 𝙽𝙾 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁 |Where stories live. Discover now