2 - home sweet home?

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHATS ON YOUR FACE?" Derek asked Matilda as she walked out of an unoccupied trauma room with tape on her cheek. 

"Some idiot was cutting wood while I was walking into the hospital and it cut my face. Had to stitch it up."

"You did it yourself?"

"Of course I did. Do you really think I'm going to let some baby intern stitch up my face?" she scoffed.

"You are a baby intern Tilly."

"Well if I'm a baby intern then why can I do this and they can't?" She said as she took the tape off her stitches and showed Derek the perfect sutures along her cheek.

"Nice, clean, very clean. I would say that you were taught well but considering..." Derek said as he got close and inspected her work.

"Considering it was Mark that taught me? You know I'm not going to break if you say his name right?"

"Have you even cried?" Derek began, slightly quieter than before but Matilda quickly stopped him.

"Okay, Derek we are getting a little too personal for a public space."

"Fine but we will talk about this one day." He insisted as he began to walk out of the ER but stopped short when he realised that Matilda wasn't following him, "Are you not coming, Tilly?"

"Bailey says I have to sit this one out. She said I might be one of those irresponsible interns who get high on pain killers."

"Well, I'll tell her you aren't," Derek said as he began to walk away from her.

"Yeah like you could tell Bailey what to do." She called out as his retreating figure got further away.

As the day went on, Matilda sat by the nurses' station with Cristina and George as they wrote in charts and she gathered labs. She was about to leave the two as they argued about how they don't like each other but she saw Dr Bailey walking towards her with Alex in tow.

"Dr Bailey my face is completely fine. You can slap me in the face if you want and I won't even say ouch." Matilda started as Bailey finally reached them.

"Doesn't matter who you say Lukov. You are running labs today but you'll have company." She began motioning to Alex and Matilda's eyes brightened just a little, "An Intern got reassigned to me so he will be shadowing you for today... Now scramble." Matilda grabbed her labs and motioned for Alex to follow her as George and Cristina left as soon as they could.

"So, you called Meredith a nurse. That's not very nice Karev." She scolded him with a smile on her face.

"You want me to call you one too?" He asked and she scoffed.

"I did not work my ass off for years just to be called a nurse, Alex and neither did Meredith."

"Oh fine. Can we get coffee while we wait for the labs?"

"Of course we can." She rolled her eyes as if it was crazy that he asked.

The two were waiting for their lab results and were nearly at the coffee cart but Matilda stopped once she saw Meredith sitting in the lobby. "What are you doing?"

"Just sitting here with my penis." She said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, Derek told me about that...Can I see?" Meredith was about to open the cooler when Alex came back up to them, leading her to close it again, "What do you want Karev? I wanna see a penis."

"Well, I'll show you mine." He smirked and she shot him a glare.

"Yeah and I'll chop it off." She smiled up at him like she said the nicest thing in the world.

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