18 - sleeping with who?

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DENNY DUQUETTE WAS DEAD, IZZIE STEVENS WAS NO LONGER A SURGICAL INTERN AND ADDISON FOUND A PAIR OF PANTIES THAT DIDN'T BELONG TO HER. Those were the three things, Matilda was told by the redhead when she woke up the next morning and Tilly could only guess who those panties belonged to. 

"So I hung them up on the board," She sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed while Matilda flexed her hand.

"Hung them on the board as in; 'lost panties, collect here'?"

"Yeah pretty much," she shrugged.

"Oh, that's just cruel," The attending who sat on her bed was wearing a tracksuit set and she could tell that her friend had already had a drink or two that morning, "Should you really be at work right now?"

"Oh, I came to convince Richard to give me the day off because my marriage is over and I need to drink," Addison told her as she walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" and when her friend's response was the bar across the road, all Matilda could say was, "Stay safe."

"So there's this kid," He said between bites of his salad, "Tree branch straight through him," He said as he motioned across his body.

"And why are you here instead of there?" she asked her brother, awkwardly eating a sandwich with her left hand.

"Trauma room is packed but he's going into surgery once the next OR opens up... They'll page me." The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Jacob spoke up again, smirking, "You know, I came by to check on you last night. You were asleep but you know who wasn't? Mark. And my old friend Mark was holding my sister's hand... Can you tell me anything about that?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," She looked away from her brother as his pager beeped.

"Crap. You're one lucky girl Matilda Lukov but I will get to the bottom of this," he pointed at her before leaving towards the OR, Just missing Mark by 30 seconds.

"Got you a present," He smiled as he walked into her room.

"Trying to get brownie points, Sloan?" She asked but grinned when he pulled out a suture practice kit with synthetic skin from behind his back and placed it on the table next to her, "Oh you definitely get some points."

"I know how good your one-handed sutures are... just thought you'd want to perfect your left-handed ones just in case...", he caught himself but she knew what he was going to say.

Just. in. case. Those three words finally hit the intern and the smile that was once on her face flipped into a scowl. "Just in case? Because I'm not going to have a functioning hand right? You don't think I'm going to be able to do surgery?" He went to speak up to tell her she was wrong but she cut him off, "You know what Mark? Last night didn't mean anything to me. nothing. so go back to your nurses and your on-call rooms because I am not your priority anymore. I am none of your business."

Mark left the room. He knew she probably didn't mean it, that it was part of not knowing if she'll be able to do surgery again that really got to her. But, he couldn't help but think that part of what she said was true.

The next morning, Tilly was finally able to go home and Meredith sat with her as she filled out her discharge papers, "So what is happening with you and McVet?"

"Well, I have to choose... Finn is caring and sweet and realistically the perfect man but Derek is Derek and he is safe and he smells me in elevators-"

"Smells you in elevators?"

"Yes Tilly, you'll understand when you're older," The blonde tells her and the brunette rolls her eyes.

"Looks like you have to make a choice... Maybe flip a coin," Matilda puts a hand on her shoulder, gives the intern her discharge papers and walks towards the lobby. Once there she collided with a body and grabbed her shoulder as she winced.

"I'm so sorry." He said as she straightened her out, "Oh."

After their conversation the night before, Tilly felt terrible. She knew she was just upset and didn't mean what she said to him but she just knew that with what was going on with herself at the moment, she didn't want to have the chance that Mark would bring her down lower than she was.

"It's okay." She nodded at him before walking away, ignoring the fact that he called her name multiple times.

Her departure from the hospital couldnt get worse until she saw Izzie Stevens sitting outside on a bench.

"Matilda! Can we talk?"

"I don't think you're going to like what I have to say to you, Stevens," Matilda said as she continued to walk outside the hospital.

"I just want to apologise but you also need to know that I'm going through something too." that made the brunette make a sharp turn back towards the blonde.

"You're going through something? Oh, I'm sorry that the man love died but guess what? you only knew him for a couple of months, Izzie."

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is that I got shot while trying to help you save your stupid boyfriend. I don't even know if I can do surgery anymore. This has ruined me. Your actions have ruined me. So if I can't be a surgeon anymore, that's on you."  

So the brunette left the blonde who had tears streaming down her face, in the parking lot of the hospital. 

By the time she got to her brother's apartment, choosing to stay there while she recovered instead of being in a house with Izzie, it was around midday so she thought that bringing a coffee and croissant for him was a kind gesture.

However, when she got inside she was not expecting the first thing she saw. Her brother and Addison. Tangled in blankets on his couch.

"What the hell?" She shouted, placing the gift for her brother down on the table next to the door.

"Tilly!" Addison exclaimed, pulling the blanket over her top half while the man under her scrambled to put his pants back on.

"Are you insane? Did you forget that I was staying with you or did you just want me to come home to this?"

"I'm so sorry," He said, obviously flustered that his sister caught him in the act.

His sister walked straight to the bathroom to wash her face, the day full of negative emotions, a shooting pain through her arm reminding her why she was mad in the first place as she took a pill out of her pocket and swallowed it.

When opening the bathroom door, she is met with her friend looking at her pleadingly, "Please Tilly I'm sorry." She apologised as she followed the girl to the door while her brother just paced the room.

"I knew I forgave you too easily Addison. I just forgot that you seem to want everything that I have... like wow, sleeping with my boyfriend and my brother. What do I seem to have that is so appealing to you?" She asked, leaving the redhead with a gaped mouth.

"I think I better off staying in a hotel," She says to her brother as she closes the door behind her.

my girl is mad mad  (shes just my little baby, she can do no wrong)

I've seen a few comments saying that Addison was forgiven too easily so I decided to bring a little angst lol.

also, I have a biology essay that is due tonight and I haven't started so short chapter because I am an amazing procrastinator!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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