12 - oh god

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"YOU DIDN'T COME TO THE BAR THE OTHER NIGHT," Mark said as he came up behind her as she walked through the hospital doors.

"Dr Sloan can you at least let me have a coffee before I talk to you." She said as she rubbed her eyes and walked towards the coffee cart but halted once Mark shoved a large bone-dry cappuccino in her face.

"I got one for you... Remembered your order."

"It's not hard to remember when you have the same one." She scoffed as she took the coffee and opened the lid to smell it.

"What? do you think I poisoned you or something?"

"Maybe..." She said as she came to the conclusion that he didn't poison her and took a sip of her coffee. It was perfect but she couldn't admit that.

"You sure you didn't poison this? it tastes too good to be true." She said as she turned to face him and Mark swore he saw a glint of happiness in her eyes as well as a small smile growing on her face.

"No poison," he said and Matilda was about to respond when she was interrupted by Addison calling her away, leaving Mark alone while he smiled to himself.

"Hello, Addison." She said as she took a sip of her coffee, smirking at the woman who was standing uncomfortably.

"What was going on over there? You know what, I don't need to know right now. I need a consult."

"Okay, what room are they in? I can change into my scrubs and meet you there."

"No. I need a consult," she repeated and Matilda laughed for a second before realizing that she wasn't joking and grabbed her hand before pulling her into a consult room.

Addison sat on the chair and got herself set up while Matilda put her gloves on. She lifts up Addison's skirt and holds back a laugh. 

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry Addie," she says with a wide smile.

"Oh god."

"You have poison oak, where nobody wants to have poison oak," She says as Addison groans and leans back on the chair, "This could actually be the best day of my life." she chuckled and Addison found some gauze sitting there and threw it at her.

"Oh god," Addison repeated and Matilda stopped laughing to walk around and place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Matilda returned to the exam room with some lotion and steroids to treat the woman as she sat uncomfortably. "Okay I'm back and I have some things and someone." She said as Bailey entered the room behind her.

"Oh no. Please tell me you did not write a chart."

"No, I didn't make up a chart, Addie... Oh my god, how has this gotten worse." She said as she lifted up her skirt once again for Bailey to take a look.

"I've never seen a case of poison oak this bad," Bailey told her and she groaned.

"Girl, what did you even do?" Matilda asked.

"Can you just put the damn lotion on?" She complained and Matilda shut her mouth and applied it.

"Yeah, Lukov you gotta give her a shot of steroids," Bailey told the intern and Addison's eyebrows raised as the younger woman left to go get the steroids. Once Matilda returned, the two women treated Addison as she sat there in uncomfortable agony.

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