5 - bad dreams

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DEREK AND MATILDA walked into Derek and Addison's brownstone after a gala that Derek had dragged the recent med school graduate to. Addison and Mark couldn't make it as they were both in their surgeries so it was just a fun night for the two friends to drink champagne and talk to other doctors. 

The two laughed and stumbled a little as they walked into the large hallway but the two quickly sobered once they felt the unfamiliar feeling that was in the air. Something didn't feel right. Matilda dropped the heels that she was holding in her hand and lifted the end of her long navy dress as she walked up the stairs, "Addie?" She called out, "Addison?" she said again as Derek followed her up the stairs.

There was a strong and familiar scent in the air. A scent that usually warmed her heart but the champagne-drunk med student was still half drunk so she ignored the smell as she continued up the stairs.

She saw a jacket hanging over the banister as she reached the top of the stairs. It was familiar to her but she couldn't think of where from. She turned back to Derek and the smile on his face and the usual glow had faltered. 

Matilda didn't know why his smile dropped but hers did too once she reached the bedroom door and heard laughter from the other side. 

Derek sped past the brunette who stood at the door, trying to process what was happening but once Derek slammed the door open and it hit her. Mark was in bed with Addison.

Mark is in bed with Addison! The love of your life is cheating on you with your best friend! Her brain screamed at her but she remained still.

"Derek." Addison gasped, pulling the covers up to her chest as Mark turned around to face the two at the door.

"Tilly..." He began as he pushed Addison off of himself slightly and moved to fully face the two.

Matilda couldn't think. She couldn't breathe. Mark obviously noticed as her chest rose and fell quicker than he had ever seen so he quickly pulled on his jeans and began to rush to the girl but he was too late.

Matilda raced down the stairs, trying not to let the tears fall down her face, the tears she didn't even know were there. Mark chased her through the house, calling out her name but she didn't listen. Before he could get to her she reached the door of the house and slammed it in his face.

A slam on the door awoke her from her dream. Well.. was it a dream if it happened? She got up from her bed and made her way down the stairs to see what the noise was from but she was met with Meredith walking into the house, placing her keys on the hook. "Mer? What time is it and where were you?"

"It's midnight and I was at Derek's trailer. He explained everything." She stated and the half-asleep brunette nodded. 

"Oh, want a beer?" she said drowsily as she continued her way down the stairs and to the fridge where she grabbed out two beers, knowing that Meredith would follow.

"So... I still have some blank spaces in what Derek told me. I know you were there when Derek found Addison and Mark but why did you leave? Why did Derek have to deal with them alone?"

"He didn't tell you? Mark was my boyfriend Mer. I was in love with him." She said as she took a swig of her beer and Meredith's mouth slightly dropped. "When I saw the love of my life with my best friend I couldn't handle it. I couldn't breathe so I just left."

"And what happened after you left?"

"I rushed to Mark and I place, grabbed as many clothes as I could and got out of there." She scoffed. "Rematched to a new hospital and found a new apartment the next day." 

two ghosts [m.sloan]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz