Bruce- Lab Rat

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It's been hours since you've last seen your boyfriend, Bruce. He'd been holed up in his lab the whole day, saying that he's onto something big. To say you were bored is an understatement.

You walk to Bruce's lab and peek through the glass surrounding the lab.

"Bruce?" You knock softly on the glass and walk in, frowning when you see he's nowhere to be seen. "Are you in here?"

"(Y/n)!" Bruce pops up from behind a table. "Perfect timing. I need your help experimenting my-"

"No way," You shake your head and hold up your hands. "Bruce, I love you, but I'm not going to turn into some lab rat."

He laughs and holds up a syringe with blue liquid inside. "It's not for you, (Y/n). It's for me."

You frown. "What's that supposed to do?" You point to the sharp looking needle.

Holding it up, he goes on to explain what the serum would do. "If all goes well, the 'other guy' wouldn't make an appearance anymore."

You smile sadly and walk over to him, grabbing the syringe and placing it on the table. "Bruce," You rest your hands on either side of his face. "I like the other guy. He's what makes you, you."

"You don't get it, (Y/n). I don't want to hurt you." He murmurs, looking down.

"You won't hurt me-"

He grabs your wrists. "Are you sure? I snapped at you the other day just because you got me the wrong sandwich."

"Everyone has a bad day. Even the hulk." You kiss his check softly and pick up the syringe. "But if you want him to go away, then it's up to you."

He the corner of his mouth tugs into a half smile as he places his hand in yours, lowering the syringe. "No, you're right. He's a part of me, just like you are."

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