The Avengers- Pumpkin Spice

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[Happy Halloween everyone! What are you dressing as tonight?]

Pumpkin spice wafts through the air as you and Thor scoop out Pumpkin Spice cookie dough and mold it it to perfection.

Natasha and Clint are tending to the actual pumpkins, seeing as they're better with knives, all the while grinning and knocking at each other like they don't have a fatal weapon in their hands.

Steve and Tony are setting up orange Christian lights around the walls, arguing softly wether or not they would be in the way.

Loki is sulking in the living room, though his eyes are trained on the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas as the infamous song 'This is Halloween' begins to play.

Everyone instantly begins humming along, even Thor, who's trying to keep up and grins once he gets the hang out it. Soon you're all singing along, laughing when Loki turns and scowls at you all.

"This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night!"

Clint throws a hand full of seeds at Loki and he shrieks when they land in his hair.

"This is Halloween, everybody make a scene. Trick or treat till your neighbors gonna die of fright~"

"This is madness!" Loki barks, but then there's a flash of orange and black, and suddenly there's an orange boa around his shoulders, black witches hat falling in his eyes, and a Jack Skelinkton pin attacked to his tunic. "If I would not be under alliance with you, I'd-" the freshly baked cookie in your hand is gone and shoved into Loki's mouth.

Pietro grins, and Loki sputters, jerking the cookie out of his mouth but raises his eyebrows. "Good, no?"

Loki humphs, strolls over to you and leans in a little too close as he grabs the plate of cookies and heads back to the living room.

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