Pietro- News

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You shyly tuck a stand of hair behind your ear, quick to tear your eyes away from the speedster as him and Wanda converse in the corner in a language you don't understand.

"So, Pietro, huh?" Natasha says, plopping down next to you.

Jumping slightly, a blush stains your cheeks as you look to her in faux confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about,"

She arches an eyebrow. "That's what people say when they do know what they're talking about. Spy, remember? But hey, anyone could see that you're totally into Piet-"

"Shh!" You hiss, scrambling to face her and wave your hands. "Please don't be so loud,"

"Oh, right, cause he can totally hear you from across the room?"

"No, but.."

"But, his sister can read minds," Natasha smirks, her eyes flickering to the twins and your stomach drops when you look up.

They're both staring at you, mouths open but no words come out. Wanda's smirking as well, and she winks before turning around.

"Oh my god," You whisper, rubbing your hands together nervously. "so she knows? She knows I like Pietro?"

Natasha nods.

"Oh, I'm dead," You mutter, standing and rushing out of the briefing room to splash some water on your face.

But Pietro has other plans, seeing as he picked you up and ran all the way up the building until you're on the roof.

"What the hell are you-" Slipping out of Pietro's arms, you land on your feet with as much grace as an elephant.

"I have heard some interesting news from Wanda," He says. "about you,"

You hold your breath, slow to turn to face him anxiously. "What's the news?"

He grins mischievously, staying silent which only adds to the growing panic rising in your chest.

"What news, Pietro," You say again, squaring your shoulders and giving him your best 'tell-me' face.

"That you are having romantic feelings towards me-"

"Oh, God," You groan, dropping your face into your hands and shaking your head. "just leave me here to die,"

He laughs, and you peek through your fingers to see him smiling widely.

"(Y/n), I have some news of myself as well,"


Pietro takes your hands in his. "I have romantic feelings for you as well,"

It takes a second for his words to register, but when they do, you jump into his arms and hug him tightly.

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