Chapter 13

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Serena POV

We were on our way back to the hotel but the atmosphere in the car was thick and full of tension.

We only spoke a few words after the bodyguards pulled him away to say something and I could tell something was on his mind.

His body was stiff and his grip on the wheel was tight.

But I was too nervous to ask what was wrong, so I stared out the window at the passing landscapes.

A buzz from my phone distracted me from my thoughts. I quickly glance down at the bright illuminated device.

 My heart sank as my head snaps up and looks out the windows for anything familiar

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My heart sank as my head snaps up and looks out the windows for anything familiar. No buildings were around, just fields with trees scattered around and a few old homes reduced to rubble.

I look in the rearview mirror to see the city behind us, the lights fading the further we got.

I felt my pulse quicken as I tightly gripped my phone.

"Where are we going? The hotel is back there," I breathe out as my eyes snap to him.

"Home," he says bluntly as if there was no room for negotiation.

This had to be a lost-in-translation situation. Maybe he thought home and hotel meant the same thing.

"What do you mean home? You said you were driving me back to the hotel," I say bluntly with no emotion. Maybe this vacation was ending sooner than I thought.

His eyes stay glued on the dark road ahead of us.

"I never said that."

"Clayton, stop the car," My eyes move from him to the city disappearing behind us. Instead of listening, he accelerates the car. He breaks his eyes from the road and looks over at me.

"I want you to stop the car or take me back to the hotel. This is not up for discussion," I demand while staring him down. His eyes go back to the road as he keeps driving. "Are you even listening to me?"

He doesn't respond.

I had one more day to enjoy the freedom and this bastard thought he could ruin it.

My hand goes to the door handle as I subtly try to open it. Of course, it's locked so my hand slowly goes over the top lining of the door, trying to find the knob.

"There's no unlock on your door," he speaks in a gruff voice. My hand freezes as my eyes lock on the road ahead. "Did you even think about what would happen if the door was unlocked?"

My lips part slightly as I look at the side profile of his face.

"You would have jumped out of a car going seventy on a concrete road, then what?" He asks his grip tightening on the wheel. "You could have been injured or worse. What if someone else found you before me? Then how would you have gotten away?"

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