Chapter 24

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***AN: Mature content***

Serena POV

Adrenaline runs through my veins like liquid fire.

My body is stiff, yet loose in the right spots.

My legs are spread shoulder-width apart as I look forward.

One eye squints as I stare down the barrel, my hands steady.

With the release of a breath, I pull the trigger over and over until all 10 rounds in the clip are emptied. With each pull of the trigger, my shoulder is pushed back, sending a ripple through my arm.

The smell of gunpowder comforts me in a sick and demented way while I slowly lower the gun.

Setting the HK416 rifle down on the table in front of me, I look down the shooting lane toward the paper hanging from the ceiling.

The feeling of having a gun in my hands feels comfortable and familiar. It was like a limb of mine was returned considering it was all I knew while living in Mexico and carried a weapon everywhere I went.

I knew every part of the guns I used and could clean them with my eyes closed. The gun handler back in Mexico would always say you should know every nick and cranny of a weapon before you decide to use it against someone.

If you don't they can use that to their advantage.

I hit the button on the wall beside me and watched as the Silhouette target moves closer to me on the conveyer belt.

Pulling the noise-blocking headphones off my head, I throw them down beside the weapon while looking at the target.

Two shots in the chest, eight in the head.

All directly on the 'x'.

"Remind me to never piss you off again," A deep voice says behind me. I look over my shoulder at Massimo as he pushes himself off the wall he was leaning against to come closer to me.

We are in the basement shooting range that I just learned about a few days ago. I figured I needed to practice my shooting skills in case I had gotten rusty over the years.

But it appears the skill has never left my body.

"You should know better than to piss any woman off. We can be rather deadly," I say back with a smirk. Grabbing the weapon, I walk over to the wall beside him and rack it back into its holder.

"The men are talking about you upstairs," He says out of the blue. I rack the headphones before turning to him with an arched eyebrow.

"Really?" He nods his head. "Good or bad things?"

"All good," He says staring down at me as he steps closer. I stand still, watching his every move as he stalks toward me like a predator. "They seem to appreciate the challenge you give them during their daily training lessons. A few complained about how hard you are on them."

"Well even if they don't like it, it will keep them alive. I don't expect a thank you. Sometimes the hardest lessons have to be drilled into their body so it becomes instinct."

A soft smile plays on his lips when he is inches from me.

Over the past few days, we have gotten closer intimately. He always seems to be around me no matter what I was doing. Like he couldn't concentrate unless he had his eyes on me.

"Did you come down here to tell me the gossip of your men?"

"Partly," He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me even closer until our chests are touching. "I also just wanted to see my beautiful wife."

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