Chapter 25

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Serena POV

The day was here.

The time of karma has finally arrived.

After a twelve-hour flight on Massimo's private jet with twenty different men, we finally made it to Mexico. We left the morning after the bomb fire and landed last night around eight in the evening.

The flight was long and tiring as we brainstormed the best course of action on how to get to Ricardo without alerting the rest of his guests.

So when we got to the hotel yesterday and had the plan set, we spent a few hours setting up the computers and equipment for the men that were staying back at the hotel for surveillance.

All the men we brought with us were hand-picked between Massimo and me based on skill level.

Eight perfected hand-on-hand combat, five never missed in the shooting range, and two were here for communication and hacking if needed.

Now it is roughly noon and we called a meeting to our room for last-minute questions and concerns.

I stand in the back of the conference room with my back against the wall, watching as the men start pilling in. Massimo and Spencer stood a few feet away from me looking down at the blueprints Tomas sent us of the property.

Once everyone was situated, Massimo moved closer to me at the front of the room causing silence to spread.

It still amazed me how he could control a room with just one look.

"Does everyone know what team they are on?" Massimo asks starting the meeting. He is met with nods but a few seem unsure, too scared to speak out.

"We will go over it again just in case," I say and look over at Massimo to inform them.

"Team one; Spencer, Chester, Serena, and I will be going inside first. Team two; Luca, Dante, Mateo, Marco, Leo, and Lorenzo will be going in second. Team three; Francesco, Gabriele, Andrea, Eduardo, and Enzo will be outside at the gates. Take down the guards and change into their uniforms to blend in. Jason, you are in charge of hacking into the cameras. I want your eyes on Ricardo at all times so he doesn't sneak out under our noses if he suspects us.

"As for the rest of you, you are here for backup. You will stay in the van outside ready in case we need you." Massimo says with a stern voice. "Any questions?"

Heads shake as they stare between the two of us.

"Team one is going to go in first and sweep out the place. Massimo will check in for the group once we safely reach inside. Once we are in, team two will come through and Lorenzo will check in for the group," I say and Lorenzo nods his head. "I want each member of group three to check in so we know the guards are down."

Each person nods their head in understanding.

"Those of groups one and two will only be relying on small weapons that are easily hidable on their person but quickly accessible if needed so try to stay close to each other in case something goes wrong. Watch each other's backs," I continue. "Group three will have the guard's guns and weapons so they will be able to protect us from the outside. Everyone else should have guns and be ready to shoot the place up if needed."

"Everyone should have their suits and masks on when we enter and try to blend in the best you can. Do nothing to stand out. If someone speaks to you, interact with them and make shit up if you have to. Don't give anyone a hint that you don't belong," Massimo adds.

"Everyone will be wearing an earpiece to communicate. Jason care to explain?" I ask looking over at him as he places a cardboard box on the table.

"There is a wire embedded in the fabric of your right sleeve, or in Serena's case in the waist of your dress. Press the button if you need to communicate and click again to turn it off. But remember, although you know you are talking to us, others in the building don't know you have an earpiece. Make it look like you are in conversation with someone," Jason adds and I nod at him.

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