Chapter 15

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Serena POV

The room was dark when I woke up. I knew I was still in his room from the décor and the small amount of light coming from the rising sun through the shades.

Slowly sitting up in the bed I realized he covered my body with the blankets.

Drug me then cover me with blankets as if you care.

I look around the room, feeling eyes on me.

"What do you want?" I ask into the seemingly dark room. I knew he was in here.

He wanted to see what I would do.

"You have some explaining to do, Serena," Clayton's voice says as he walks out of the shadows next to the window. He opens the shades so more light streams in.

"I have some explaining to do?" I spit before throwing the covers off my lap and standing up. I stood a few feet away from him to gauge any reaction he had in case he tried to attack me.

"That is hysterical," I say with a shake of my head but keep my deadly glare on him. "You brought me here and drugged me. But more importantly, why is my name signed on that paper in the closet?"

He grabs a paper from the windowsill and walks over to me.

"This paper is a certificate of marriage between us that is legally and mafia binding," He says and hands it over to me.

I look at the bottom of the form to see my name signed next to...

"Massimo Russo," I whisper before my eyes snap to his.

I had a hunch since I first met him and Spencer that there were in the mafia... but the leader? That never crossed my mind.

"I knew Ricardo didn't kill you but they never listened," I say with a shake of my head with a disgusting taste in my mouth.

"When your father attempted to kill me all those years ago he ended up killing one of my top men thinking it was me since I never showed my face." I snarl when he says, my father.

Ricardo Gonzalez, my 'father', the leader of the Spanish mafia, tried to take out Massimo after he interfered with a business deal between him and the Russians.

"So you have just been hiding here all these years?" I ask and he nods.

"It appears we have more in common than you originally thought. I hid while you ran," He says getting closer until he is a foot in front of me. A scoff escapes my mouth as I run my hand through my hair. Something on my hand catches in my hair.

I drop my arm and stare down at the shiny ring on my finger. I look up and met his eyes again.

"Why did you run from the familia?" His question nearly catches me off guard but I keep a blank expression.

Leaving the family means certain death if or when they find you. The only way you leave is death.

I don't answer his question so he asks another.

"Why would the princess who was given everything leave the family?" I stare daggers at him but he keeps going. "Please enlighten me, Mrs. Gonzalez."

Before I think, I shove him hard and swing kick him in the stomach. He doesn't have time to react before the air is kicked out of his lungs. He takes a step back before meeting my eyes with fury behind them.

"I will never be that pig's daughter," I spit at him before sitting on the edge of the bed with a headache forming.

The room goes quiet for a minute as I stare absentmindedly at the wall.

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