Just a Dream

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au where dan dreams of a boy named phil and questions why these dreams occur 🌙🎇


He still didn't know what triggered these dreams or how they felt so real. Like, there was an actual presence near but he didn't want to let go of the feeling. Ever. But, of course...dreams don't last forever.


That morning. The morning after the first dream had occurred was a nice one. At first, Dan was confused as to why he had the dream. He was confused on how it could of crawled into his thoughts as he was in slumber. But he just let it slip.
Dan Howell had been thinking about guys in a different way since he was about 15. That was three years ago. What riddled him was after all these years of telling himself,

"I'm straight. You don't like boys. That's just not right!"

A dream about a guy seemed to find it's way into his mind. Although, it wasn't a bad dream. He quite enjoyed it actually. Dan was really trying to get to fair terms with his sexuality. He has already come out to his parents saying he has been thinking differently about boys. They were kindhearted people, so they agreed to except Dan no matter what. Homosexuality isn't a choice. He just never knew why people thought that. It was sort of dumb to be honest. Who would want to be bullied because of your sexual oreantation? Dan had kept it on the down low with his high school friends about the whole 'yeah I might be gay' thing because he knew that some of the dudes in the group were kind of rude to gay people. Also, Dan wanted to keep his place in the group. But high school was over. So was graduation. A huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. But he did miss some of his school friends. But the company of his laptop, headphones and food was good enough for now. Dan was thinking about university soon, as well.
After the giant train of thoughts in his mind, he lifted himself out of bed and to his usual morning routine; using the bathroom, making some cereal, eating in the kitchen than relaxing on the couch in pyjamas all day. It was a Sunday also and none of his friends had contacted him to ask if he wanted to hang out. No one really did anything on Sunday's around here in this little town in Southern, England. Dan sighs heavily as he scrolls through his Tumblr feed for what felt like the millionth time. His eyes lazily and boredly looked at the photos and blog posts on the blue website before his eyes caught something. A post about how dreams can affect you. Dan sat up to get a better look at the post.

How dreams can affect the human brain: We have control over what we think about we when we are awake and aware of what's happening around us. What do you think about during the day? School, chores, friends, relationships, the internet? Those are all important things in most teens lives and what occur in the dreams of them. We took a survey that said over 72% of youth have dreams about things they've experienced during the day. The rest of the population dream about huge events in their lifetime or what's the come in the future. And others simply have an ability to forget their dreams or just don't dream at all.
(by the way I just made this up! It isn't a real fact!)
Why do we dream? Dreams are caused by your brain trying to sort through all the thoughts you've thought about in that day. Dreams somehow turn very weird because some of your thoughts overlapping with other thoughts. That's kind of the easiest way to explain it. If you have any other questions about this, leave it below!

Whoa, thought Dan. "That was pretty straight forward," the man grumbled to himself. He wasn't exactly confused about this after reading more about it, but he wanted to know even more. He hasn't been thinking about guys lately. And that was the truth. Than why did this dream occur in his mind last night? There has to be an answer as to why his brain thought it up.
"I must be one of those lifetime dreamers," he said to himself looking up at the white ceiling of his apartment.
Dan has definitely thought of dudes over the course of his lifetime. But it still doesn't explain why the dream of the boy happened on that particular night many years later. Dan didn't want to dig too far into the science and hurt himself anymore, so he exited all the Wikipedia articles he had managed to find himself engulfed in and sighed a heavily sigh.

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