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dan and phil play in the first snowfall of the season


Phil's POV:

"Come on slow poke!" I called to my friend Dan as I ran through the snowy park that morning.
He chuckled and ran behind me.


Once I found out earlier that snow was lightly falling and creating a beautiful white blanket on the city, I was ecstatic. I love snow and this time of year in general. I was born on the early morning of a snowstorm, so that might have something to do with it.

I ran into Dan's room and jumped on the bed next to him.
"Dan! You need to wake up!" I shriek, excitedly and shake his shoulders.
The brunette just groaned in annoyance." Why Phil?" He asked in a croaky morning voice.
"Look out of the window!"
He signed and got up, following me to his bedroom window. He rolled up his blinds to reveal what was hiding behind them.

Soft, Innocent flakes of snow hit the window and melted, sending water running down the glass.
Dan gazed in amazement.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" I smiled at him, then the snow.
Dan nodded.
"Breakfast, then outside?" I asked with a wide grin still on my face.
"Sounds good!" Said Dan, before running toward the kitchen of our London apartment.

We both had bowls of Frosted Shreddies cereal and watched an episode of Tokyo Ghoul whilst we ate. I dont think we could contain ourselves because of the excitement.

Dan's POV:

This is why I love winter. The snow.
I'm fortunate enough to live in a place where it's cold enough for snow. I usually hate going outside because England's weather is horrible, but snow is just so beautiful. There's something about it that is just so calming.
Once Phil and I were done our breakfast, we shut of the tv, put our bowls in the dishwasher and prepared to go out in the cold.

We had changed into our Christmas jumpers (because we wanted to get festive), along with black skinny jeans.
As we were putting on our coats and mits, Phil caught me staring at him.
I blushed and looked away in embarrassment. Phil was gorgeous; tall, bright blue eyes, black dyed hair, pale skin that suited him...he's just perfect. He wouldn't ever like me more than a friend.

I shook away the thought as we grabbed some warm hats and slipped our shoes on.
I look the door to our flat and begin to walk down the stairs behind Phil.


Once walking a little distance down the road, we reached the tiny park. It was amazing. The trees were full of sparkly snow with icicles dangling from the branches, the pond froze over with snow falling over the sheet of ice, the benches unrecognizable as they were filled withsnow. It was all perfect.
Phil ran forward giggling like a kid. He was truly one at heart.
"Come on slow poke!" He called after me. I just giggled and allowed myself to run after him.
"Better run faster Philly, I'm coming closer!" I exclaimed.
Phil continued to run and disappeared behind a patch of trees.
I took the oppertunity and bent over to catch my breath. Did I mention I'm really out of the shape?

Once I've regained my breath I look up. It was silent, except for the occasional car passing by in the distance. Phil was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help but worry myself. "Phil?" I call out, not too loud.
I walk forward slowly, my feet crunching under the snow.
"Phil? You here?" I call out once again, my voice a little shaky.
I continue to walk toward the patch of sparkly trees.
"Come on, Phil. Where are you?" I call even louder.
As I come even closer to a tree, I attempt calling out again.
This time I was really freaking scared. "PHIL-"
I was cut off by someone screaming "BOO!" and jumping out from behind the tree.
After I screamed and fell to the ground, I look up to see it was Phil all along.
I was relieved, yet angry.
"You idiot! I was worried about you! I thought something happened to you!" He helped me to my feet.
I stared into his eyes for a moment before crushing myself into his arms.
Phil hugged back.
"Don't do that, okay?" I mumble.
Phil pulled back from the hug a few moments later.
"I'm okay Dan. Just wanted to have some fun. I won't do it again. Promise."
He smiles at me and I feel my heart ache.. just a little.


Authors POV

The two friends spent the next hour playing around the park like kids and just enjoying the weather.
Dan and Phil both loved spending time together even though they're literally always together.

They both liked each other as more than friends, but of course couldn't admit to it in fear of losing their friendship.
"Oh, now you are in for it!" Dan shrieked as Phil threw a rather large snowball at him.
Dan made two snowballs and threw them at Phil, who was trying to defend himself.
"It's on!" Cried Phil. "Prepare for battle!" He said in a very bad posh accent.
That's how they started a full on snowball fight. It ended up with them both soaking wet and giggling like mad.

The raven and brunette haired men lay down in the snow, their heads resting on their arms.
"I won, by the way," said Phil in a proud tone.
"What do you mean you won? I totally did!" Dan defends, grinning.
Phil turned to face Dan.
"Proof?" Asked Phil.
"I threw the last snowball!" Says Dan.
Phil gave up and just broke out into a smile.
"I had fun," he said, breaking the silence.
"I did as well," replied Dan, staring into Phils eyes in return.
Phil scooted closer to Dan. Dan gulped as he was a little nervous, but at the same time wasn't complaining.
"Can I tell you something? Asked Phil softly.

Dan nodded in response.
"You can."
"..I really like you." The older one stated.
The younger was in shock. He bit his lip.
"Would it be crazy if I said I felt the same way?" Asked Dan in a soft and smooth voice.
Phil smirked. "Not at all."
Phil put a hand on Dan's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss.

As Phils lips met Dan's they shared a soft and sweet kiss. Just to show each other their feelings for one another.
Snow slowly fell over the two. It was blissful.
As they pulled away and opened their eyes they blushed.
"Wanna head home?" Suggested Phil.
Dan just smiled.
Phil grabbed Dan's hand and laced their fingers together as they walked home.


Sipping hot chocolate and watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer sounded perfect to the two. They were snuggled together on the couch, Dan's head resting on Phils shoulder.
"Mm?" Mumbled Phil, his eyes looking down to meet Dan's.
"I was wondering uhm, you know..wanted to go out with me?"
Phil grinned so wide that his smile could of had a smile.
"I'd love too."


aw, how cheesy this was lolol

since this is wintertime, basically i wanted to do something involving snow and fluff.

and if you don't have snow where you are im sorry <3
being canadian is fun (most of the time)
see you all later

i love you all!!

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