hey guys...

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* pls read this lovelies
I hate to leave you a note when I know some of you guys could've been waiting for another oneshot, but I knew I owed you guys something for my long hiatus...I'Il just explain myself now.

Well first off, final exams were a pain in the ass. I just felt so scared and terrified that I was gonna do bad, so I focused a lot of my time into revising and trying the best I could into working hard for these tests. I didn't do very much besides studying because I barely knew anything. The three finals are done now.

Secondly, I'm drifting away from the phandom..and it sucks to say that as for the past 2 years Dan & Phil have brought me so much joy. Just having to wake up and see their faces on the poster on my wall kinda upsets me...Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of them and what they've accomplished together and I still enjoy their content from time to time, but..the feeling isn't there anymore. The bond that I had whenever I watched them is just..I don't know how to describe it. It's kind of like that show that you used to love when you were a kid and watched 1000 times, and you stumble across it on Netflix years later & you just don't know how to feel. Your thoughts changed as you matured, in a way. I always thought it would be hard to drift away from these goofballs and I thought they'd always be apart of my life. Well, yes they will be still part of my life, just not my favorites anymore..and that makes it hard for me to put any effort into this book.

Whenever I would open up the app and try to write something, my mind would go blank, and although you guys may have good ideas, I wouldn't know how to write them in a way that's good enough to publish...I feel bad saying this, but I think this may be the last part. I'm not sure yet, though so I won't get all sloppy and sentimental. I've already wasted your time..but I hope you understand.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to pm me. I love people (depending) and are always up for a chat. ✌️

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day/night !


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