Skinny Love

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Yeh, you probably already know from the title and the video, that this is inspired by Birdy's song 'Skinny Love'.


Dan's POV:

Today was the usual sort of day. Phil and I were doing whatever there was to do; watching tv, eating, listening to music, etc. It was one of those days. But we felt like filming a video for YouTube.

If you don't know, me and Phil have our own channels. Mine 'danisnotonfire' and his 'AmazingPhil'. It's not very often that we collab together because when we do, it starts things from the internet shippers. You are probably all aware of phan, and we both have no problem with it to be honest. But it starts things, like nasty rumours that are completely untrue. And it's pretty hard to just ignore those types of things, considering they are everywhere we look!

Our Tumblr and Twitter tags are full of photoshopped pictures of us and fake tweets and links to discusting fan fictions people write about us. It's petrifying. But...Phil is my best friend and I wouldn't of even started YouTube (which is now my full-time job) if it wasn't for his encouragement and I owe it all to him.

But what I'm saying is some things involving phan we really don't like, and we try to hide and ignore...but it never works...but we have both decided to film because of very popular demand.

Phil's POV:

It's November and guess what that means? Phil Is Not On Fire season! I'm equally excited and nervous to film this, but mostly excited. It was gonna be the first time in about a year that I film one of these. It is basically a Q and A video, but wacky and fun.

And it's with Dan. The reason it gets so much attention and views is probably because of Dan. His channel is huge and his audience and mine just love Dan and me making videos and hanging out with each other. I find phan cute at times, but other times it can be scary. Like one time I was checking my Tumblr and there was this fan fiction that was getting A LOT of attention so I read half of it and I quickly discovered it was smut and I almost threw up my lunch on my screen.

The thing that terrifies me is that someone actually took the time to write this, and secondly, it's about me!
I love Dan. He's my best friend, but I would never think of him in a sexual I cringe and prepare the camera as more questions are sent to me.

Dan's POV:

I quickly straighten my hair with my flat iron, get changed into my cat tee shirt and skinny jeans before reading some of the questions are fans have tweeted us for PINOF. I giggle at some of them. They were like:

'Salsa dance with Phil with the Edward Cullen mask on!!!'

'Read fan fiction aloud!'

'Admit that the Valentines Video wasn't a fraud.'

I smirk. Oh, the Valentines Day video. Sweet memories. It was Phil trying to convince everyone that he loves me and we're a secret couple...we were basically trying to troll the phandom because at that point we knew that lots of people shipped us. I smile even wider at the old memories me and Phil had shared. I had feelings for him, and there was no denying that...but like everyone says 'no homo.'


Authors POV:

Soon, Dan and Phil had their cat whiskers drawn on and were talking about the usual funny nonsense they usually do in these videos. They had a lot of fun answering questions and caught a few cute glances at each other.
Than, Dan read the next question.
"What is the fondest memory shared with each other?"

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