A Good Kind of Different

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the first few oneshots are pretty bad, but they get better. promise lol

au: phil was always found under the stars.


I just love looking up at the stars. It gives me such an infinite feeling, knowing that even if I tried I wouldn't be able to count all of them. They just capture me and captivate me in a way I wouldn't be able to explain.

Oh, and my name is Phil by the way, Philip Lester. Our family just moved to this side of England. This town is un familiar to me, but I like it. On nights like this, I like to come out here with a blanket, a novel, a flashlight, a sketch pad and my thoughts. Lying here in this long stretching field of grass makes me feel calm and relaxed and I like it, rather than the noisy and hectic city of London.

No, this country side is way better. Although I know very few people here and hardly talk to anyone, I'm happy. I know I will eventually meet people when I start going to school, but for now, the beautiful sky and my own thoughts were good enough.

I get my head out of my book and lay it down to rest my head and stare and the brightly lit dots filling the black blanket above me. I think it wouldn't be too bad having someone with me to enjoy this breathtaking experience. Honestly, I have always wanted to meet that person. That one person that is there for you, understands you, can make you laugh, is gorgeous inside and out, and has a perfect personality.

I have longed to find that guy for a while now, but my search is still strong. I laugh to myself lightly and discover the Big Dipper.


I awake the next morning by the bright sun shimmering it's way through my blinds. I get up and stretch, preparing myself for a new day. I shower, get dressed, eat my usual Corn Flakes and head out the door with my sketch pad.

I head up the grassy hill and up to the field which I lay in at night star gazing. I take a seat and face the giant Sycamore that stands before me.

-- (means the POV is changing)

Why am I even walking? I don't walk. I'm not a walker.

But I decided since it was such a great morning...also I was kicked outside...Oh, and I'm Dan, Daniel Howell. 18 years old and have been living here for as long as I can remember.

I quite like this town, despite there are not many people around this part to hang out with that actually like me, or are my age, but I did eventually find something to do. As I'm continuing my walk I come across a nice looking two story house and a tall grassy hill that I decide to walk up. As I'm walking slowly, I stop in my tracks.

I see a guy sitting in the grass sketching the giant tree in front of him. Since when was he living here? I have never seen him around, he must be new. And why isn't he doing something like being inside on his laptop or something? He was sat drawing. And I liked it. The guy had soft looking ebony black hair that blew with the pattern of the wind, a blue checkered shirt and black skinny jeans. His style was even cute. Wait, what? Yes, I am into guys.

Girls never really caught my attention or interested me. But did I just think that dude's style was cute? I'm not lying, I think it is, but I don't even know this boy. I would like too because he seems...different. A good kind of different. I never got a look at his face because he was facing the tree, but hopefully I will get to know him.


After a while of determination and great effort, I manage to finish my sketch of the tree. I have never really been proud of anything I do, but my art is one of the things I do take pride in and appreciate. I trot down the hill to bring my sketch pad inside and return back on the hill to just lie and watch the clouds glide across the sky slowly before my eyes shut. I dream of the boy I want to share my experiences with.

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