Themepark (pt.2)

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The Amazing Book is Not On Fire is pretty cool.


"Dad, how about this one!" Asked Kayla excitedly, running up to another store window.
She pointed out a tiny porcelain doll with blond ringlets and a pale pink dress with frills.
Dan and Phil sign while Tommy and Mike scoff (probably because the young boys they didn't understand their sisters love for dolls).
This was the third time Kayla had asked about something on their trip and they have only arrived and settled about 8:00pm yesterday evening.
"But you're not supposed to buy gifts until the end the end of your trip. Remember what daddy said earlier?" Dan asked his daughter, referring back to what Phil had said.
After a moment, Kayla nodded slowly with a frown on her face.
"Tell you what. How about we come back here and look at that doll before we leave on Wednesay?" Phil suggested.
Kayla nodded, now with an obvious smile on her petite face.
The family proceeded on.
It was early Sunday morning they were about to make their way to Disney. They had bought a day pass for all of them and had planned to go do more things on their days remaining.


Phil's POV:

I was just experiencing probably one of the cutest moments of all time.
Well, one of them.
Kayla ran toward Mickey Mouse and gave him a hug as Mickey returned it. I turned to Dan and smiled.
That smile had a lot behind it.
We both had a feeling this day would go well.

Dan's POV:

We all agreed on trying some of the main attractions.
Michael insisted ever since we came to ride the Tower of Terror.
I said no to the idea at first because I was a little nervous, but Phil said that he would ride with Mikey if he wanted to try the ride that bad.
Tommy and Kayla didn't want to.


The two boys had a sword fight with Captan Hook, Kayla met some of the Disney Princesses, Phil and I got candy apples and rode a few of the rides together. I almost threw up my lunch on the spinning teacups (that was a grave mistake) and was creeped out on Its a Small World ride.
Nonetheless, we had fun.
I also got to get on the Winnie the Pooh ride with Kayla.
I may or may not have cried a little because ever since I was young I loved everything about Winnie The Pooh and secretly still do. I was also getting butterflies at the thought of my own daughter enjoying it as well.
I didn't make a fool out of myself. At least I think I didn't.


Authors POV:

The bright sky of day was falling over the horizon and the dark night sky was welcomed.
The family were enjoying some arcade games; Pacman, Street Fighter, etc.
All three kids managed to win some prizes.
Michael won a plush Pikachu, Thomas a pack of adrorable animal stickers and Kayla a tiny ladybug keychain.
They all seemed happy, which made Dan and Phil happy.
"Come on guys, the fireworks are about to start," said Dan over the loud crowd.
The kids held their dads hands and were guided through the crowded park of people.
Soon, they were standing before the large Walt Disney castle and show. Fireworks of all colours shot up into the night sky with a bang.
Dan lifed Kayla up onto his shoulders to see the show better. She was dazzled by everything. So were the boys.
They had all seen fireworks back in London for New Years, but never anything like this.
Dan smiled and looked down between the gap of his and Phil's hands. The blue eyed man gently slipped his hand into Dan's and lightly squeezed it.
Nothing could ever ruin this moment.
The two men could tell the finale was approaching because the firework explosions were bigger and more colourful. Dan hummed along to When you wish upon a star.
"This is amazing!" Gasped Kayla.
Dan and Phil's kids were experiencing true Disney magic.
Suddenly everyone started cheering loudly and clapping, indicating the show must've ended.
The Howell-Lester's all clap and cheer along before finding a way out of the crowd.
As they were making their way out of the park and toward their rental car, Dan asked,"Did you like it?"
"Like what?" Asked Tom.
"Everything. The rides, games, the fireworks.."
"I loved everything. Today was awesome!" Tom replied.
"Agreed," Mike and Kayla added at the same time before bursting out into laughter at the unexpected moment.
Phil and Dan joined in with the contagious laughter.
And they could've swor what was twinkling in the stars that night was almost magical.
Like the stars had remembered Dan and Phil's presence here under the Florida sky many times before.


The next couple of days were really fun for the family.
Dan and Phil had run into a few fans that got to meet the kids for the first time.
The couple still continued their career on YouTube and were the same giant nerds they were a few years ago. The only difference were some new additions to their family.
Today, they had planned to go out to dinner to meetup with a fellow YouTube friend, then bring the kids to a 3D movie.

Their YouTuber friends Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda were looking after the kids whilst Dan and Phil when out for pizza with their friend Cat.
They only really saw each other during YouTube events, or when she visited London, so it was nice for them to see her again. They got updated on what was going on in each other's lives.
They told her about the three kids and how they're doing at school, YouTube and other random things. Cat also explained what she is doing.
"Well it was nice seeing you Cat," Dan smiled.
"I'll see you guys around, bye!" She smiled and hugged the two before everyone went their separate ways.


It was the last day of their trip.
They'd be going home in a few hours. They had packed their suitcases and were ready to leave as of a little while.
The family had an amazing time.
They went to an aquaruim, met fans, went to Disney and just spent some time as a family for the most part. And that's what mattered most.
Dan and Phil walk hand-in-hand through the tiny community they had walked through on their first full day in Florida. They were about to pass the store with the glass display window when Dan remembered.
"Hey Kayla, hun," he said softly.
She looked up at her dad.
"Do you remember what I said on Sunday?" Asked Dan.
Kayla looked lost and confused, so she shook her head.
The tall brunette in black gestured at the window to the shop as Kayla's brown eyes followed.
She gasps as she realizes what Dan was talking about and runs towards the window.
"Go on in," smiles Phil.
She giggles and runs into the store as her parents and brothers follow behind. They all look around the store as Kayla picks out the doll right away.
"Would you guys like anything in here?" Ask's Phil.
The two boys say no.
The couple pay for the doll and head out of the store.
"Thank you both!" Smiled Kayla widely.
"Anytime sweetie," replied Dan sighing with a smile.
Phil ruffled her hair.

They made their way back to the hotel and were ready to leave.
They had to be at the airport in an hour for departure.
Phil and Dan sign some sheets in the lobby and they were off in a taxi to the airport.


Phil's POV:

I leaned back into my seat like a slug after takeoff and prepared for the long flight ahead of me.
As I was about to reach for my headphones in the overhead compartment, Dan (who was in the seat next to me) tapped my shoulder and gestured for me to look out of the window.
We gazed upon the city and long beach below us.
"Say goodbye to Florida guys," said Phil to the kids who were sitting in the surrounding seats.
"Goodbye Flordia, and your cool gaming stores..," mumbled Michael.
"Goodbye Florida. I'll miss Disney.." said Tom.
Kayla sighed contently before speaking.
"Bye Florida...Thanks for the memories."


Did you like the little fob reference I made at the end? :) Naw, I'm just trash.

Anyway, I enjoyed writing this. I'm proud wowow

I also think Parent!Phan is cute asf so let me know your thoughts!
Vote/comment if you feel like it.
I hope you're all doing well<3

I love you all.

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