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this one is cute so prepare yourselves


"Stupid random items!" Yells Dan in frustration at the tv.
He scoffs as his kart crosses the finish line in third.
Third place isn't a bad place, but if you're Dan playing Mario Kart, it is.

Shutting off the tv, Dan settles into the sofa crease with his laptop. He logged onto Tumblr and scrolled through his feed. A trending topic at the moment was Dan and Phil's recent move.

Dan's POV:

Phil and I just recently moved to this side of London two weeks ago and it's great. Phil, being the master of house searching online actually managed to come across this super cool house on a low budget (just like the apartment in Manchester).
Someone must've died here.
But still, this place is great.

My bedroom (which is just used for filming videos because I sleep with Phil), Phil's shared bedroom with me, a large lounge (which does have a fireplace like our apartment did), a spare room that we use as an office and for when we have guests over, a kitchen with no horrible glass doors, two bathrooms, an attic to store extra boxes and a tiny laundry room.
It had everything we needed.
Well, except for a pet. Specifically a dog.

My family have a dog named Collin and I love him. Dogs are just so fun and playful. We could never get one in our apartment because our landlord and contract wouldn't allow animals.
We moved because we thought it was time for a change...and the flat was kind of messed up from all of 'household incidents'.
But that's all in the past now!
New house, new chapter of our lives together.

I like a few gifs of some shibes and log out of Tumblr before my heart melts of cuteness. As I was about to fall asleep on the couch, my phone dings on the coffee table, alarming me.
I reach for it and open up a text from Phil.

From: Phil Lester
Hey, Dan. I'm catching a taxi home now. Also, I forgot to pick you up your strawberry Pockey D: But don't worry, you'll forgive me :)

I read the text in confusion and tap him a message in reply.

To: Phil Lester
don't even worry about the pockey, it's okay. and i'il forgive you? what are you doing phil should i be worried?

I wait a few moments and Phil replies a final time.

From: Phil Lester
You'll just have to wait and see what I'm talking about. See you soon <3

I read the message then shut off my phone. I wasn't even going to think too much about this. I roll my eyes and laugh to myself at the thought of Phil bringing home another houseplant. Phil and his bloody houseplants. I love him, but he has an addition. A worrying addiction. I shake the thought from my mind and begin to prepare tonight's dinner; Chinese stir-fry, my favourite.


Phil's POV:

I make it home about a half an hour after texting Dan.
As the taxi drops me off, I walk towards the door of the house with a large grin on my face.
I manage to get the door open, shut it and walk inside quietly. The smell of stir fry hits my nostrils and the sound of Dan's soft humming hits my ears. I lay the object in my right hand down softly and carry the groceries into the kitchen and lay the many bags on the floor.
Dan turned around to greet me.
"Oh, hello," he greeted with his soft Winnie the Pooh sounding voice.

I smile and walk towards him, draping my arms around his neck gently as his hands hold my waist close to his.
"Hi babe," I reply pecking his cheek.
"How's your day been? The food smells great!" I add.
"Oh, my day was alright. Mario Kart and Tumblr. And oh, thank you," grins Dan.
I place a kiss to his forehead before pulling away from his embrace.
"I have to go check on something. I'll be right back," I smile and leave the room.

Nows the time, I think.

I kneel before the tiny cage, holding the surprise I got for Dan.
A Shiba Inu puppy.
It whines and I softly shush it.
My plan was for me to ask Dan to help me with something, he'd walk in, see the dog and freak out!
Time to put that plan to action.
"Dan?" I call out.
"Can you come help me with this thing?"
I wait a few moments before I see Dan stumble into the hall. His eyes land on me, then the cage. He gasps.

Authors POV:

Phil releases the dog from its cage and it runs towards Dan on its small, stubby legs. Adorable.
"Oh my god Phil, are you serious right now?!" Shrieks Dan in excitement.
The puppy licks Dan's hand in affection.
All Phil can do is laugh and smile as his heart warms at the scene.
Dan brown eyes lock on his older boyfriend before he runs and jumps into his arms.
"Phil, this in unreal, how long have you planned this?" Dan asked, squeezing Phil in a hug.
The black-haired man giggled and hugged Dan back.
"Well, a few days before moving was when I first started thinking about it, I guess."
Dan pulled away from the hug to look at Phil. "Thanks so much. He's adorable."
"You're welcome Danny. I know how much you've wanted a dog of your own, and since we have our own house now, why not!"
Dan thought for a moment. "But what abou-"
"I know we travel a lot, don't worry. I've made arrangements with my parents to look after him. Besides, my mum loves dogs!" Explained Phil.
Dan smiled.
"Anyway, what are you going to name him?" Asks Phil, petting the dogs soft maine of hair.
"How about...Suki?" Suggested Dan happily.
Phil nodded. He didn't argue about the name. He was just too happy and content.
Everything was perfect.


After Dan and Phil finished their dinner, they sat on the rug of their lounge playing with Suki. He seemed to like the rubber chicken toy the most.
"Hope you're excited to wake up to that every morning," giggled Phil, poking Dan's side. Suki bit into the squeaky toy once again and barked.

Dan faced Phil and laced their fingers together. "I honestly don't care, Phil. I'm just so happy that you've done this. Out of all the years living with you, you've bought some pretty ridiculous stuff. But a freakin Shibe has to be the best thing."
Phil smiled.
"So, that means you're not upset about the Pockey?"
Dan shrugged in shoulders.
"Actually, Pockey wouldn't be too bad right about now.."
"What? I'm kidding. I love you, you spork, come here!"
Dan smiled pulled Phil into a soft, but thankful kiss.


omg is the dan wanting a dog trend still a thing people talk about? or is everyone talking about the book tour? either way, i don't care because this was cUte.

my swaggy internet friend gave me this idea so thank her. ily btw if you're reading this, laisha.

vote/comment if you liked this dudes

i love you all!!

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