pg 4

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Thawck. Ting.

A red dart shivered on the flat surface.

Dead center.

The crowd groaned in disappointment.

My two brothers flung their hands ups high fiving each other enthusiastically, their faces flushed.

" Alright, read'em and weep. We won fair and square!" Junior said turning to the disgruntled group with a happy smile.

They didn't even know what to make of my two brothers but I knew.

The moment Joseph weighed the dart carefully in his palms. The way he walked back and forth measuring the distance, they were toast.

They emptied a hat filled with small shiny valuables into the eager hands of my brother.

He didn't waste any time gathering their loot. 12 rounds played, each a perfect game.

Joseph laughed and started sprinting toward us proudly, Junior following closely behind. The once lively group evaporated into the corners of the pub, grumbling over their loss.

A small light lit up in Logan's hand as they sat, probably the signal.

A good thing..

We have an interested seller, and just in time.


Things are about to become interesting and he will watch for years to come the outcome of such a hybridization.

Maybe he will witness the birth of a new line of humans and the death of the old order, just to pass the boredom of living.

He can no longer die and decay like the others. So easily his life will be preserved for years beyond the normal human capability.

His friends and family are now gone, killed during the beginning of the invasion.

Both of his parents were naive government officials wanting to explore the new technology the alien species offered to save their dying young son, him.

He is now just a child stuck in a man's artificial bodily form. Mature enough but immature.

This body has saved him from death but it also keeps him from certain death.

Seeing Ruth....

Jealousy burns inside him as he watches the seeming normality that her reality takes on. Not realizing the shortsighted Ness or selfish ego, that he has yet to grow out of.

Spending time alone with nothing but a simulated AI teacher, has made his brain dull and overfilled with, its the absence of affection flowing from anywhere that has made him despondent.

His mind wandered from this reality briefly, only to be snapped back forcefully....

His flesh prickles as a scientist gently twists a knob behind a glass panel. "Fascinating, his artificial tissue is perfectly in sync with his brain stem" The team behind him furiously working, documenting the data.

" That's enough Dr. Hawk." An elegant lady with sharp eyes stepping forward.

The team dispersed, scrambling into the room, unplugging the machines hastily.

THE GIGASDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora