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Love cannot be reasoned with

Forced, Coerced, manipulated, be lied to

It has no if , buts , or ands

Love gives freely, willingly, without an expectation of reward. Its Peaceful and warm, it betters the soul and the person.

Otherwise that is not Love, just its mirrored shadow of itself..... An enantiomer

The landscape around me is a blur once again. The long trek I must take will be necessary unfortunately.

The once flowering shrubs are now empty of its displays of brief beauty.

The days grow shorter and the season has moved forward to a more temperamental season. Maybe the warm season has escaped to another part of the planet.

The den that we shared together briefly will sit empty without us.

Slowly I shift to one side. The fast pace has finally worn down my endurance.

Will she hate me for suddenly leaving?

I had left her sleeping body in front of the residence that she and her siblings reside in during the change to the colder seasons.

I could no longer keep her in my company.

The temptation to consummate is far too high for me.

She would not understand without me telling her that coupling with me would mean the procreation of a hybrid.

I will be bound to her by the flesh and blood of our offspring.

I would love any being formed from our brief passionate union for certain but I do not think it would be wise to flirt with disaster.

Will she later loathe my existence knowing I had taken from her the chance of making a theoretical better choice?

I would rather not feel like the mistake she regrets later on in the future.

The ship's main frame updated the system software recently.

N.I.C.K.A the ship's embodiment of its self repairing and autonomously coding mechanical AI brain sent a dire message on the bio-receiver embedded in my brain.

The last of the orbiting intergalactic ship survivors have perished.

There is no longer any hope of ever communicating with our mother planet.

My body trembles in exhaustion and hunger.

I shall rest here, dawn is close.


Her face swims in front of me.

She smiles with those unusual flat teeth. Her laugh chimes in the air. She looks happy...bright

She turns her attention to the small bundle cooing in her arms.

A small hand gently sweeps the air. It has my coloring and skin morphology.

Ecstatic I feel my body propel forward ready to receive my brood.

Gently my arms cradle the priceless bundle as she hands it over. I feel peace..

The cloth bundling the new born tinges in a deep purple color slowly spreading steadily outwards.

Panic fills my heart, I rip the cloth open.

It is but a mangled mush of small body parts.

The blood begins to drip down from my arms onto the floor.

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