pg 5

233 12 7

Happy Holidays, yall!!✨️🧨

Someone shook me hard.

" Sage...sage, SAGE ! Come on you've got to wake up!! " The voice of my younger sister hollered in my ear.

" should we just slap her awake?" Junior quipped half jokingly in the background.

" Do it and you die" I grumble half asleep, my eyes semi awakening to the crowd that had gathered in my room.

" what's going on?" My eyes widening as I shake off the last remnants of sleepiness before sitting up slowly.

" change of plans" Logan's voice said with stony seriousness, her face visibily annoyed.

" We have to smuggle ourselves out. It's worse than anyone could have thought"

" shit, how? Why?" My voice getting a little high pitch.

Logan twitched restlessly. " Mimir sent a messenger.... The bunker is locked down. A catastrophic System failure happened and only the backup power is working"

Outside the hallway trembled with thundering footsteps. Frantic shouting hollowly echoed, stretching past our doors. the sound ominously dispersing over every corner of the room.

It could only be a matter of time before all hell broke lose and violence would replace the panic of the bunker inhabitants.

" Mimir sent out Gabriella. She will help guide us out. we only need to ensure she gets to the fortified settlement carved into the mountain a couple miles down from here. We are leaving as soon as we meet up" Logan turning, walking away.

I scrambled out of bed flinging my legs to the floor getting up hastily, following the leaving group and Logan out the door after her finished speech.

Grabbing my bag off the floor, I didn't really care about my disheveled physical appearance. Shoving a dry toothbrush with some toothpaste into my mouth and working it quickly around is more important.

We gathered in the living room talking amongst ourselves.

Junior 's eyes looked downturned on his face. His body slumped over a love seat.

Sad for whatever reason that he hadn't said quite yet.

Ruth noticing her brother's melancholy, materialized to his side slapping his back heartily.

"Do you think I could have gotten a girlfriend before leaving?" He bemoaned to his uninterested sister.

I almost spit out my toothpaste at his insanely random worry. We are literally fleeing and he could only think about getting a girlfriend?

Ruth with an evil glint in her eye looked at her brother in disbelief.

"Noo....who would want you. Your hands are cold, you look funny, and your breath smells bad" She said firmly.

Junior's face crumpled. My mouth tried and failed to stop the amused laugh that tickled in the back of my throat.

Damn, who needs strangers when your family will roast you for free.

His face suddenly turned to where his sister should have been. His expression struck with the thought sputtering outloud " hey! You're related to me. Your funny looking too then, hey!" but she had already disappeared from beside him.

The door bell rang and everyone stood at attention, quieting down abruptly.

Logan cautiously stepped to the front door, careful to not make any sound.

She looked through to the other side, a video panel showing the outside.

A person outside stood. Hovering over the camera lense. "It's Gabriella, let me in quick" a whisper furiously muttered into its tiny speaker.

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