Chapter Three

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Chapter Three (Alexius)

We are in need of your assistance, cambion.

Ulric's words echoed in my skull, as if he were still whispering in my ear, reminding me of how sweet his offer was. It was a sweetness that I could taste on the tip of my tongue and I suddenly wanted more of it. It was like taking a single bite of food whilst starving to death.

I was starved for revenge. I'd read in fairy tales and journals that revenge was a bitter sweet mission. A mission that could only end in utter tragedy, one that could harm more than just the people involved. It was a poison. Once you drank it, you couldn't turn back. You had to continue drinking until there was nothing left, but the tingling sensation upon your tongue.

Was it worth it?

Was it worth it to destroy all the people who'd turned their backs on me?

Yes. The voice in the back of my skull gave me a headache, but something about it was very seductive. I wanted to get revenge. I wanted to watch the faces of those who turned on me, streaked with tears and lips begging for mercy.

Ulric said I would become a god.

A god.

I would become an ultimate source of power. I would feed from the ultimate source from whence all things came. I would have everything I'd ever wanted. The dreams that I'd learned to stamp down were resurfacing. The fantasizes of living in a large, beautiful temple that I could call my own. I would have my own garden filled with flowers, with vines coiling towering green columns made of pure emerald. I would have white gold floors and ceilings.

Yes, and a beautiful bed that I would never have to share with anyone. A water bed, I decided. A water bed would be extremely entertaining. I would never want to leave it. I would make it so that I no longer had to depend on other creatures to survive. I would actually be able to bite into a juicy sweet apple, savor its tartness, its succulence. I would be sated with fruits and vegetables. I would drink the nectar of the gods, eat the ambrosia of immortality.

I would have a reason to live.

The thought made me moan before I rolled over in my bed, gazing at the vines that had crept into my window, the silver glow of the full moon outside peering in to watch me slumber. I reached out carefully, touching one of the green leaves of the vines. I could feel the life force inside throbbing, pulsing, breathing. I could hear the plants gently sleeping, purring silently at my touch.

These creatures, these beings that asked for nothing more than attention and love.

I could become their god, I realized. No, I would be. That is the association that I wanted to have. I wanted to be a god of plants, of flowers, of the soil that nurtured them, of the waters and sunlight that kept them vibrant and beautiful.

I wanted this.

I wanted this so badly.

My chest felt tight and sore thinking about it. I was actually restless for once. Restless and excited to think that I was finally getting a chance. I would have everything I'd ever dreamed for.

And all it took was joining some silly civil war within the Ethos pantheon. I would become a general, my first step toward godhood. I would be able to use the powers that had remained dormant until now. I would unleash them and lead armies against the gods that had never once reached their hands out to help me.

Gods that ignored me. Gods that never thought twice about how I was being treated, for something I couldn't even stop, something I had no control over whatsoever. It was as if they thought it was all my fault, just like everyone else.

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