Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two (Killian)

"Aren't you cold?" I asked.

Alexius didn't answer. He seemed to be lost in his own world now. We had gone from talking to kissing to hardcore sex within the last hour or so. Now we lay on the floor of the forest quietly, hiding from the rain that had begun to downpour. We laid under the shelter of the forest canopy, the occasion drip of rain rolling off the end of a leaf. I had kept most of my clothes on during the entire thing, my shirt the only thing having disappeared and was now wadded up on the other side of the clearing in front of us.

Alexius was lying completely naked on the ground, mud smearing his thighs and caking his feet. He laid with his head resting against my shoulder, his shirt cushioning the rest of him. His legs were crossed at the ankle, stretched out under the occasional fern leaf or trembling flower. He looked like he truly belonged in this kind of place, however. Amongst the soil that had been churned into mud that lapped at his skin before sliding back down to the earth. The different shades of green leaves draped over his arm or leg, the vines hanging down from the tree we huddled near, one resting on his shoulder like an obedient pet. His chocolate colored hair was wet, sticking to his cheeks, forehead, and neck. His horns shown with water, glinting almost dangerously in the occasional flash of lightening overhead. His emerald eyes stared out into the forest, his expression completely relaxed.

I could see the goose bumps on his skin, however, indicating that he was a bit cold. His skin was wet, dripping with rain water that traced the dips and curves of his lean muscles, riding past his nipples that were still tender and hard. I flicked my tongue across my lower lip, turning my head to nuzzle his hair, inhaling the sweet, earthy scents that had made completely his own. I dipped my head to touch my cheek against his forehead, feeling the cool, wetness of his skin.

"You're going to catch a cold if you don't get dressed." I told him quietly. He seemed to awaken from his trance at that, tilting his head to look up at me. He frowned, though, studying me as if he were trying to figure me out. He was trying to find a reason behind my actions.

But there really were none.

This had been a mission, one that involved me bringing Alexius to where he truly belonged.

And somehow, I had ended up falling completely head over heels in love with him. I understood this, though. There was so much to love about Alexius. It wasn't just the beauty that glowed on the outside, but the beauty from the inside that outshined everyone else. Though he was cautious and at times, so painfully bitter, he was only trying to defend himself. He was trying to protect himself from harm, and I knew that he wanted to protect himself against me, but there was no reason. In fact, if anything, I too wanted to protect Alexius.

Not just from the cruelty of his intolerant species, the misplaced hatred of his guardian, or the Ethos civil war, but from anyone who so much as looked at him the wrong way. I couldn't understand how someone could hate him. He made mistakes, just like everyone else. We all made mistakes, even the gods. It was part of learning, part of life.

"It's darker." Alexius commented quietly, his green eyes searching the woods before lifting to the sky that had begun to slow its rainy assault. The black slitted pupil in his eyes grew larger, accepting the darkness that had begun to cloak the world. I nodded, slowly pushing myself up. I looked around, spotting Alexius' leather pants near a bush of white flowers. I got to my feet, walking over, stooping to pick them up. I turned to hand them to Alexius, then paused to stare at him as he stretched, arching his back so his bones cracked and muscles quivered under smooth, lightly tanned skin.

His long legs stretched out further, muddy toes curling against the blades of grass that peered through the layers of mud. His arms flew over his head, reaching back to claw at the tree, his black nails scratching the bark so pieces fell to the forest floor. Alexius cocked his head, revealing the dark cluster of hickeys I'd left on his skin. Seeing them caused my cock to jerk to attention, knowing that those were my marks of ownership. While this wasn't a slave and master relationship, I was a possessive lover. Something that I'm sure Alexius would begin to discover as we carried this relationship, whatever this relationship may be, into further depths.

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