Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight (Killian)

 It took everything I had not to laugh at Alexius.

The confusion on his face when I had rejected him was absolutely priceless. I didn't see any traces of hurt, but I saw flat out, utter confusion. He'd never been rejected before, I discovered in amusement. He was used to people throwing themselves at him. Again, it begged the question as to why he wanted to destroy his entire race, but I would leave that question for after he began to trust me more. I had noticed during our battle that he wouldn't dare let me get behind him, even when he spoke, he didn't dare give me his back.

How could he expect us to have sex if he never gave me his back anyway? Or maybe that was the reason why. I would find out soon, though. He couldn't hide from me forever.

I jogged along the boardwalk that went through the marshy area of the island, leading my men along the path. My men seemed to already trust me full heartedly and did everything as I commanded. Excellent soldiers indeed, I thought, impressed.

"Man, did you see Unit Seven's new general?" I focused in on the sound of one of my soldier's gossiping, listening in on his conversation with the men around him.

"Definitely," One agreed with a seductive purr, "I don't normally like men, I prefer women, but something about him is really sexy. Did you see the way he looked in those leather pants?" There were a few chuckles.

"Do you think I'd be able to get a chance at him?" The first man asked. There was more laughter.

"I'd like to see you try," Another man responded, "Did you see the way he almost beat General Killian? He'd toss you on your back and rip your heart out before you can even get your fly undone." This resulted in more laughter from the man and I rolled my eyes. It'd be a lie to say I didn't agree, however.

It was no secret that Alexius was drop-dead gorgeous. He was sexy in a manner most deadly that only seemed to increase his attractiveness. As if that wasn't bad, he was adorable when he as confused or concentrating hard on something. While he was intelligent, he was still childlike in some areas. Mostly when it came to socializing, interacting with others. He seemed baffled by many of society's changes.

While there was still the handful of people who would gladly jump in bed with just about anything that walked on two legs, or four if you were twisted enough, there were those of us who still stuck by the no one night stands thing. I was one of those people. I had only had a small handful of lovers, as it was difficult to find a vampyre that I wasn't related to now, as we were very few in number and I wasn't into the incestual things that many in our universe part took in, in order to keep pure blood lines or produce offspring.

I was picky with my lovers, something that wasn't such a good thing considering I'd only met three other female vampyres who weren't my sisters or cousins or aunts. As for men, I'd only ever bedded one man in my life and he'd turned out to be quite the whore. He even admitted to it afterwards, so I made sure to give him his just rewards by draining his corpse of every drop of blood.

I wasn't particularly fond of being used.

And I'm sure Alexius wasn't, even if he did speak so crudely. However, I couldn't blame him. He was an incubus. He was used to people asking, or even pleading for his body. He'd probably slept with thousands of people over the years. He had no choice. It was his curse. In order to survive, he was forced to feed on the lust of another person, even if they never gave him satisfaction. I wouldn't be surprised if he hated sex.

My unit and I jogged back to the fields to see that Alexius and his unit were still there, training. Alexius was sparring with Remi, his second-in-command. I paused as my men gathered to do more stretches. I stood with my hands on my hips, eyes locked on Alexius as he moved. He moved as if he were dancing, much like Remi, making them an interesting pair to watch.

Incubus [malexmale]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon