Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One (Alexius)

I was stripped of my armor, left with only my black turtleneck and leather pants. My arms were pulled back behind me and tied tightly with rope that dug harshly into my skin. I was blindfolded and led out of the temple right after I was forced to watch Killian and the others leave.

I could practically feel the heat of his anger suffocating me as I stood there, trying to get him to leave. It wasn't safe and by staying here, he was only bringing himself more danger. While part of me was relieved to see him finally leave with Zenliu, Ana, and the others, another part of me was agonized to see him leave. I could tell he wanted to stay with the way he looked at me with pale blue eyes practically glowing with pain and misery.

He wouldn't stay gone, though, I knew. Killian would be back. He wasn't going to let Lothos get away with what he'd done. Lothos was a cheater and a liar and a crook. He was hardly fitted for the position of a god. He was cruel. It took everything I had not to slaughter Lothos on the spot.

Instead, I allowed his guards to escort me to where they'd taken Zen and Keltzu. They were rough in the way they held me, shoving me every so often before I could feel the warm air of the forest disappearing. It was getting colder and I could hear boots moving down steps. Steps? We were heading underground? My boots went from stepping on dead grass to crunching on stones and dirt. I could hear Keltzu speaking now, angrily in the language of his people, but someone ordered him to shut up and I heard a grunt of pain following the sound of a fist connecting with a stomach.

I heard something click and a door creaking open before I was shoved rudely. Goose bumps flew over my skin at how cold it was underground compared to the heat and humidity above ground. I was pushed to my knees, dirt and stones digging hard into my skin. The blindfold was torn from my head, revealing Keltzu hunched on a bench at the back of a windowless room. Zen sat beside him, touching his shoulder and back nervously before he looked up to see me. His face fell, but he said nothing. His eyes widened at something behind me and I snapped my head around to see Lothos standing beside me, twirling a dagger around one of his fingers. He smirked at me.

"Hello, cambion. Welcome to your temporary home. You'll remain here until we move you and your other cambion friends to a safer, disclosed location. In the mean time, enjoy yourselves while you still can. This room is completely sealed off. No one can get in or out. It'll even make sure your souls are locked in your bodies, so no dream traveling for you." Lothos added, then brought the dagger down through the rope holding my hands, slicing right through it. With that, he stepped out, closing a barred door shut and locking it before pocketing the key.

I waited, watching him with narrowed eyes as he disappeared, leaving two guards to stand just outside the gates, and another few lined up down the hall. I turned back to Keltzu to see him recovering from the blow to his stomach. He gritted his teeth, glaring at me for a moment before looking at Zen, snapping at him angrily. Zen looked hurt, but said nothing as Keltzu continued to speak to him in a scolding tone.

"How did they find you two?" I demanded, getting up and dusting my knees off. Keltzu glanced up at me sourly.

"This is your fault, you know." He accused, making me scowl in confusion.

"It's not my fault you were caught." I responded coldly. Keltzu rolled his eyes, getting to his feet and trying to size me up, which given the fact that he was a bit taller, wasn't hard, but he could puff out his chest all he wanted, it wouldn't intimidate me. If Lothos didn't scare me, Keltzu didn't either.

"It is," Keltzu insisted icily, clenching his fists, "After your stupid boyfriend told us about Erini, Zen wanted to know more about it, so he stupidly followed you. I went after him. We were trying to pick up your trail when seven of their men jumped us and brought us back to their base. If you haven't of mentioned Erini to him, he wouldn't have followed you. You should now better than to mention things to someone like Zen." He gestured to Zen for emphasis, but I could see Zen was hurt by Keltzu's words and slumped on his knees on the bench, looking down at the ground. I frowned, then snapped my head to glare at Keltzu.

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