Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six (Killian)

 "Who did it?"

The question flew in murmurs around the camp as they gathered outside the general's tent. Inside, Arachnae, Nico, Ana, Remi, Soterios, Xav, and I had all gotten together to help Alexius. He laid out on his cot, unable to move. I could tell he was listening, thinking, trying to speak, but he could only manage small words that didn't require lip movement, which only made understanding him harder. Whatever it was, it was strong, especially to have an effect on a demon.

"We're not sure," I spoke at last, looking up at the others, arms folded over my chest, "It could've been the enemy or it could've been locals that Marikas neglected to tell us about. Either way, we can't let this go. We'll need to set up a security system, ones that the night guards won't be able to trip, but will catch any intruders."

"Booby traps," Xav suggested, making everyone nod slowly in agreement, "We can set up trip wires at several points around the camp area, leaving enough space in between for people to fetch firewood or fruit. We also have some explosives that we can rig to be set off by touch. A type of mine bomb, if you would."

"I like the sound of that," Soterios agreed with a nod, putting his hands on his hips, "We can get several groups to go out right now and set them up." Arachnae and I shared looks, then nodded. Xav and Soterios took off out of the tent, calling out orders to the men. Meanwhile, Ana sat beside Alexius' bed, steadily pouring water into his mouth so he could drink before she looked up, narrowing her eyes at Nico, who was standing off to the side.

"I told you to protect him and you did nothing." She accused, setting the jug of water down and getting up. Nico stiffened and took a quick step back, holding his hands up in defense.

"I didn't know anyone was there! I'm no expert in this! I was just hired to lop heads off, not pick out assassins! Because, it was his dumb horse's fault for panicking over a little snake." He added, making Ana glare daggers at him.

"You're not helping your case, lad." Arachnae admitted, shifting uncomfortable as he scratched his short white hair. Nico grimaced, then jumped as Ana took a threatening step toward him, but much to our surprise, Remi got between them, facing Ana with a stern expression.

"We don't have time to play the blame game. We need to figure out what kind of poison was used and hope it doesn't last long. We're here ahead of schedule, which means the battle will begin in twelve hours or less. We need to get General Alexius safe and stable before then." Remi ordered, making Ana frown and back down. She turned her head to look at Alexius with an expression full of concern. Alexius was extremely lucky to have such a devout servant.

"Remi's correct," Arachnae agreed, "We need to go back and find the dart."

"I'll go," I offered, "I'm in charge of the assassination squad anyway. I should know these things. I'll take you and Nico with me, leave Ana with Alexius. But we need to hurry and we need to keep guards around the tent, so no one can get in." Arachnae nodded, heading out of the tent to gather a group of men. I turned to Alexius, watching his eyes flicker and lock on me as I approached his bedside. I glanced at Ana and Nico, who blinked, then quickly looked away to give us privacy. Ana took the chance to smack Nico upside the head and knee him in the butt. I chuckled, then looked down at Alexius again, his green eyes watching me intently.

"I'm sorry this happened," I said softly, crouching so I was closer to him, reaching out and brushing the hair gently back from his face, "But I'll fix it. I promise. And once it's finished... We'll need to talk about that... dream you had, all right?" Alexius blinked once in response and I smiled sadly, then rose to my feet, stooping over to kiss Alexius firmly on the forehead. I could see and smell the blood rushing to his cheeks, making me smile before I stepped back and turned to see Ana grabbing Nico's wrist, threatening to snap it before I cleared my throat. She instantly let go and stepped back as Nico shook out his wrist, glaring at Ana.

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