Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five (Alexius)

"Go back to your camp. Tell them that you escaped and killed a few of us on the way. I'll send my army in and there will be a battle shortly after you arrive. Once it's over, one of my men will leave behind a small roll of scrollwork. That's the information about your father. In the mean time, seek out the demon council member and destroy him. Afterwards, bring his head to me. Is that understood?"

"Crystal clear."

"Excellent," Lothos purred, placing his hands on my hips, massaging them gently in a way that mildly surprised me, but he was just trying to butter me up, "I knew you were a smart demon." He thrust his hips up against me and I gasped past clenched teeth, digging my nails into his chest. His eyes flashed from black to white again and he grabbed me by the shoulders, whirling us around so I was beneath him. He grabbed my legs and hoisted them up along his chest and over his shoulders. He smirked down at me, eerie white eyes narrowed.

"Do not betray me, cambion. I am a god of death. I will know whether you did what I wanted or not, and if you don't, I'll just bring your father back to life... and torment your little friends." He threatened in a dark voice that sent chills up my spine. He added a particularly rough thrust inside me and I hissed in pain, digging my claws through his sheets. He grabbed my hands and held them by the wrists together.

"Ah, ah. Don't rip my sheets. If you want to rip anything, rip your own skin open." He advised, then slammed my claws down into my chest. I snarled in pain, baring my fangs as my sharp claws sank into my skin, ripping the flesh and leaving behind jagged scratches.

Scratches that continued to burn even after I had managed to get away from Lothos. He had already informed his soldiers of his plan, so they had pretended to come after me, pretended to engage me in battle. I had managed to make it down into the cell to where Zen and Keltzu were waiting. I remember flinging open the barred cell door, slamming it into the face of one of the guards. I gestured them out and, though they were hesitant, they followed.

We raced out of the camp. I left behind several corpses, displaying as harsh and severe fighting skills as I could in order to make Keltzu and Zen believe me. To make them think that I had rescued us, when in reality, I had just dug our graves even deeper.

I led them through the forest, moving quickly. They moved a bit faster than me and had to stop and let me catch up. I would normally have been just as quick, but Lothos had taken his time in tormenting me one last time before I left. My body ached and my hips felt like they'd shatter at any moment. My legs felt like Jell-O and every time I stopped for a split second to take a breath, they gave out and I had to be helped back up.

I had also only been given my leather pants back, so my torso was free to be lashed at by branches and cut with swords. My claw marks continued to burn and throb with pain as mud spattered against me. I breathed hard, my face flushed from the over exertion of it all.

But I wasn't going to give up.

I had a job to do. Not only was I supposed to kill the member of the demon council for Lothos, as well as protecting myself, I had to kill the man that tortured my mother and destroyed our lives. I had to do all of this in order to keep Keltzu and Zen safe. I had so much to do and so little time to do it in.

"Alexius, almost there, come!" Zen urged, whirling around to watch as I struggled through the trees, blood dripping from a cut that sliced my cheek open. I went to step off the fallen tree I'd climbed onto, but my foot slipped and I fell into the mud, gasping hard in pain. Zen winced and called to Keltzu to wait up before he whipped around, dropping to his knees beside me. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, breathing hard as I used the back of my arm to whip mud from my face.

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