Chapter Six

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Chapter Six (Killian)

The instant I saw him, I almost lost myself in those pale green eyes.

They were so much more vibrant and powerful in reality. I felt as if he could see right through me, see to the core of my soul and the way it squirmed at the very presence of him.

His face was so young, yet so overwhelmingly intelligent. He was far prettier in real life than he was when I'd seen him through the Oracle. His beautiful, exotic green eyes were set in a young, angelic face and lips that just begged to be kissed. His brown hair fell in delicate soft brown locks to his shoulders, his bangs just slightly shorter over his eyes, a tad longer at the center near his nose and long again on either side of his face, touching down past his chin. He looked incredibly alluring in his black attire, sitting there with an air of superiority.

I almost lost myself until someone clapped a hand on my shoulder and I jumped, turning to see the man who had been assigned as my second-in-command. A rather short, but leanly muscled man who went by the name Xavier, or Xav for short. He was very impish looking with pretty, dainty features and pointed ears and surprisingly nicely manicured nails for a soldier.

"Are you going to stand there and stare or get something to eat?" Xav asked, cocking a brow at me. I nodded, clearing my throat and making my way toward the kitchen area. The entire time, I felt Alexius watching me with a look that was inquisitive. I could practically hear the questions boiling up inside him and the conversations he could imagine having with me. I couldn't hear the specifics, as total mind reading wasn't my strong suit. My kind could only feel and hear bits and pieces.

But those bits and pieces were enough to assure me that Alexius was interested.

That was a good thing for me. Now I just needed to get into an actual conversation with him.

I fetched my food, placing it on my tray before coming back around and taking my seat at the head of my table. I took a quick bite of an apple, allowing my men to dig right into their meals. Xav came and sat on my right side while his partner, Yhilno, sat to my left, hiding behind his curtain of reddish brown hair as he ate in silence. I shifted my eyes toward Alexius, who'd finally torn his gaze away from me to watch his men converse. They laughed and joked, enjoyed themselves greatly.

And yet, Alexius only watched them. It was as if he were analyzing their relationships, their words, their laughter. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he'd never heard a joke in his entire life. He didn't smile nor laugh nor talk with his men. He just watched.

It was as if he was in a world that was entirely his own. One that excluded his unit. He was on the outside looking in. I felt a bit of pity for him. What had happened in his realm that would cause him to be so solitary?

Only one way to find out.

"You must be the new general." I announced. A few of the men went quiet to listen in as Alexius looked up, glancing toward me out the corner of his eye. I could see him trying to hide his curiosity.

"Aye." He answered shortly. Despite the sharpness of his tone, there was something delicious about it. Something about the way he spoke with the soft lilting accent that I couldn't quite place, but surely it was European.

"I arrived this morning," I told him calmly, "I'm Killian. Killian Kirosis." He seemed hesitant to introduce himself. He looked down at his meal, dipping a roll in his soup broth.

"I am Alexius." He responded before taking a bite. I smiled lightly at that, sitting back in my seat to resume my meal. Our men returned to chatting and laughing, going off into their own conversations as Alexius and I both sat in silence, eating slowly, taking our time. I tried to remember the information that Ryouta had gathered from Ren, which had been extremely difficult given how last minute all of this was.

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