Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine (Alexius)

Someone had seen me.

I knew that feeling too well. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I could hear something disrupting the delicate balance of the nature around me. The crickets on the other side of the pond had also gone silent as well as a peculiar frog that had a high-pitched croak. I had no idea who was watching me, but whoever it was had completely disturbed my peace, so I had simply left.

Something in me told me it had been Killian.

The man seemed too interested in me, and yet, he refused to have sex with me.

No, wait. That wasn't entirely a lie. He said he wanted to get to know me first before he made any sort of sexual advance. Although, I did not quite see how following me around like a stalker made for getting to know me. I didn't particularly want him to get to know me. My life was none of his business. We would never see each other after this. I would return to my realm and kill everyone there. It would become my realm. I would allow all the plants to overgrow, swallowing it whole, taking back what rightfully belonged to them.

And anyway, I had been warned not to get too close to anyone. We were soldiers. Soldiers died. At least, those of us who were easily trapped or had no motivation. I would not die in this. I would not allow myself to. I was fighting for the thing I'd spent my entire youth dreaming about.

I was not going to go down easily.

But what of Killian? He could be taken down. I still had yet to discover what made him want to be here so badly. It would seem talking to him may give me information, but I was becoming exhausted with socializing with people. I wasn't accustomed to it. Being around people tired me out, listening to them, talking to them, watching them. It was so much more exciting than it was back home.


It wasn't quite my home just yet. I still had pests to get rid of before I could rightfully call it my own.

That night I slept lightly. I didn't trust anyone at the camp yet, not even Ulric or Marikas. I also had yet to meet the other gods that were on the rebellion's side. No one at this camp was my friend or comrade, no matter how they viewed each other. I did not trust them.

I woke to the sound of men moving around, the heated smell of food rising from the dining tents, fires being lit, horses being tended to. It was an odd thing to wake up to. I had been used to opening my eyes to sunlight, and that was the only disappointment here. My tent prevented the sunlight from reaching my face to wake me. It was a far more pleasant awakening than rattling armor and men laughing.

I heaved myself out of bed, walking over to my wardrobe and opening the doors. I took out and pulled on another studded long-sleeved shirt with matching leather pants. It felt most comfortable underneath the pinching and tightness of the armor. I had showered last night after returning, as most of the men showered in the morning. I preferred to avoid them, particularly a select few that simply could not accept my rejection gracefully.

I was not here to sleep with anyone. I was here to train an army, lead that army into battle, destroy the enemy, and return to what mattered most to me in this universe. While it would easily sate the aches within me to simply have sex with just anyone, I wasn't going to subject myself to that. I had left through my dreams last night to only satisfy a few humans before quickly returning.

Ana came into my tent after a few minutes with a tray of tea before she assisted me with my armor. She seemed weary around me after yesterday when I had snapped at her, but I didn't comfort her. There was no need to assure her. She would know better than to enter my private quarters, and should she break the rules, I would kill her.

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