Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen (Alexius)

I sat in silence in the warehouse, waiting for Marikas and Teyuis.

And while at one point, I had been waiting with full intentions to use everything they gave me to make sure Nico paid, I now found my thoughts jumbled. Killian's words rang in my ears, echoed in my skull, bounced back at me. I tried to focus on the task at hand, but I found it difficult.

The only sounds in the warehouse were occasional drips of water from the rusty pipes in the back and Nico shifting in his cage. He still looked sore and battered from the beating. His busted lip had ceased its bleeding and his nose stopped using blood. In fact, the broken bones were already healing and so was the word I'd carved into his back. It would become smooth, virgin skin again.

The one painful flaw to having healing abilities. The skin would fully recuperate. It even happened after sex. We always healed right afterwards, becoming fresh, physical virgins that only made humans ache for us even more.

It was our mentalities that never healed. Our emotional wounds that never healed. Should we feed from a human that was rough and cruel, inconsiderate of our feelings, it would make us feel ill and disgusting. Oh, sure, it fed us heartily, but that was the pain of a curse.

Even if you didn't like it, you had to do it or face the consequences.

"I'm hungry." Nico muttered at last. Even though he spoke softly, his voice echoed in the empty warehouse. His voice fell upon my ears like chalk on a blackboard and how badly I wanted to leap up and kick him in the face again, rebreak his nose or sink my dagger into his skin and see how long it took for him to heal. However, I didn't move. I merely sat there, staring at him blankly.

I hated him. Gods, how I loathed him. Nico had tormented me for the longest time. For weeks, I'd been afraid to leave my home after the first time he pelted me with rocks. After the night he snuck in to stab me, I remembered asking my guardian if he would let me sleep in his room and he said no. He began to lock his bedroom after that, so I hid under my bed instead. I had tried to glue the window shut as well, but the vines had begun to creep up the side of the house and tried to sneak into my window, so I had unglued it to let them in. Since then, I left my window open and trained myself to sleep lightly to attack those who tried to kill me.

Nico had been popular with the other incubi and succubi my age. He was smart and he was beautiful. He was charismatic and it attracted people to him like a magnet. I remembered that for the shortest time as a toddler, I had envied his popularity and wished so badly to become his friend, but a week after he realized that I was his neighbor, he'd thrown the stones at me when I had gone outside to tend to the garden for the first time. I hid in the house for the longest time until my guardian built a fence around the house to keep people out.

Nico had crushed the tiny bits of hope I had for befriending the others in our village. He even told stories to the younger ones of how I would kill them in their sleep. A bit ironic given what he'd done to me.

I wanted so badly to ignore Killian, to ignore everything, just get up and kill him slowly. Rip his heart out and feed it to him, watch him choke and gurgle blood in a brilliant red pool around him, staining that golden blonde hair of his.

But for some reason, I was questioning everything I had wanted to do up until now.

Oh no, I still wanted to destroy Nico. I still wanted to purge my species into the darkest corners of Hell. And yet, here I sat wondering why I shouldn't do it. I knew plenty of reasons why I should. There weren't enough fingers on the island to count all the reasons as to why I should destroy them.

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