Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

France, four years ago...

I stand naked in front of the apprentices, unmoving. They rush around and grab white material and silks and silver to rest beside me. I stare at the clothes and jewelry. They expect me to wear all of this.

"Prophet," Paola says quietly as I pick at the silver bands locked onto my arm, "You need to leave them on. You'll be expected to wear them now that you're no longer—"

My steely glare shuts her up. "You're not supposed to talk about that."

"No, Prophet. I'm sorry—"

"You will be if you ever let it slip out again."

I glance across the room in a panicked moment. Still there. The Prophet of Spring hangs around that corner and coos quietly. I shut my eyes and whip back around.

This can't be happening. I want to wake up now. I want to wake up right now!

Paola holds up another chain for me wrap around my body while I sob behind my hands. It's broader than the thin chain on my upper arm and connects to a silver ring. Looking closer, I realize that the ring has multiple eyelets for more chains to be attached to.

The eyelet that this chain is attached to is labeled in The Order's own language. After studying the text until my brain became mush, it's easy to decipher the tiny engravings embedded in the silver. Veiling Chain.

"It's the first one every priest or priestess gets when they first dress in their robes and veil," One of the girls says as she points to the silver ring, "This will sit on your stomach. As you progress in your training, so you will add more chains. Your first phase is over when you've filled up this silver ring."

My eyes are wide as I ask slowly, "First phase? How many phases are there?"

"For traditional Prophets, we have four phases. I'm not sure if it's the same for High Prophets."

"Kaoru has six rings to complete," Paola murmurs quietly. She takes the silver ring and chain from me, "I'll help you put it on, Prophet."

"Thank you," I whisper, close to tears again.

Biting my tongue in anticipation does nothing to prepare me for the way the silver bites into my flesh. Paola places the silver ring under my breasts and has me hold it in place while she wraps the chain around the circumference of my waist. The chain clips into the other side of the ring with excruciating finality.

"Take it off," I'm going to puke. I fall to my knees like a rock in water. They do nothing as I claw at the chains. The clasp is harder to undo than I ever imagined.

Paola picks up the white robe that all training Prophets wear and holds it out to me until I snatch it from her. They let me dress myself in silence. I do so hastily. The last time I took too long to do anything, Serani came in and nearly dragged me out naked.

I'm in my own chambers, but not in my room. As one of the three High Prophets, I have my own wing in the cloisters. It's the size of a medium-sized apartment, with a single bedroom, several prayer rooms, a storage room for herbs and texts, and a washroom. The kitchen was the most recent addition to the area...but it didn't make it feel any homier.

I feel just as cold as this stone chamber filled with chains and robes. Shivers run along my skin as I look at all the silver in this room. The very smell of it make me nauseous. I can't understand how these men and women willingly do this to themselves.

The Wolf Series #3: Between Two WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now