Chapter 2

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Castiel's P.O.V.

My heart starts beating fast, I can feel myself sweating, i wake up gasping for air, i catch my breathe 'in and out, it's ok now' i say to myself in my head 'in and out in and out it was just a bad dream' when i finally calmed down i hear my uncle Urial calling me to get ready for school.

I pray that he will not come up to my room, so i call back quickly "yes sir!!" i rush around my room to get ready.

I grab my white shirt with a blue tie, and black pants with my dress shoes.

I was rushing because yesterday i took my time getting ready Urial came in and punched me in the face, I still have the bruise from the hit.

I am used to it though, this has been going on since I was little.

My mother died when i was born and our dad left us, so my uncle came to take care of us but my uncle is mean and very religious so me and my siblings have to go to church every Sunday, and are forced to read the bible and follow all of its rules. I am the only one out of my siblings who gets hit but i'm not alone.

I have 3 brothers, Micheal(21), Lucifer(19), and Gabriel(15). and I have 1 sister Anna(18).

and me, Castiel, i am 17 years old and i turn 18 in about 2 months 

Gabriel is the only one who knows about my secret about me being gay. Gabriel knows what Urial does to me and always cleans me up after the beating is done.

Gabriel is a good brother unlike Micheal and Lucifer who just argue with eachother all the time.

Lucifer is the troublemaker in the family and is always getting in trouble with the police or the school.

Micheal is always acting like hes the boss of everyone when hes not.

Anna is not much better, shes a good sister but shes never home she doesn't even notice her family she stays at her friends house most of the time. Urial lets her because she is doing good in school and she "goes to her friends church" but really she just goes out to party with her friends.

I am snapped back into reality when i see all of my brothers (annas not here) sitting at the table as usual Micheal and Lucifer are arguing and Urial is having breakfast in his room, I sigh in relief, and sit next to gabriel.

gabe slides over a plate of food for me and smiles. I smile back and start eating my food.

When we're both done gabriel and I start to head out to walk to school, we live about 5 minutes away from school, but i do not have a car so it takes us about 10 minutes to walk to school.

It is the middle of the school year so it is pretty chilly. with that thought in mind i grab my trenchcoat and head to school with gabriel.

While walking i am happy yet upset.

I'm happy i'm going to school, so i do not have to be around my uncle, but also upset because i have no friends at school,

i get bullied a lot because everyone knows i'm gay because the boy i kissed once told everyone in the school and humiliated me,

I was hurt and i have never trusted anyone ever since, that's one reason i do not have any friends, because i don't want any, i like to be by myself...sometimes, sometimes i feel lonely and not even gabriel can help that empty feeling in my stomach.

soon we arrive at school.

When we get there we walk in and hear a voice calling our names "Castiel and Gabriel Novak!!"

I turn my head towards the attendance office and see the smiley secretary waving gabe and I to come in.

Gabe and I walk in and see 2 boys one gabriel's age and one my age.

"This is Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester, you guys are going to show them around the school today you can have a pass for missing all of your classes for today, but i'm sure that won't be a problem, Castiel here is a straight A student."

she smiles big at me, I smile back a little shy, gabriel smiles big and asks sam while grabbing their passes

"where do you want to go first?" sam looks up at him and says a little shy "is the library any good?" gabe grabs sam's wrist and drags him out of the office "have fun sammy!" dean yells to sam, sam smiles and waves goodbye and the two boys disappear in the messy hall of people.

I turn to look at dean who is looking back at me it seems like we were staring at eachother for a long time but neither of us looked away. 'wow' I thought 'his eyes are so...beautiful, they are so green, i could stare into them all day.' 

I realized what I was saying in my head and remembered what my uncle said and look down at the ground trying to hide my blush.

"so" dean starts "Castiel right?" I look up "yes...hi" I says extending my hand to shake deans, dean smiled and shook my hand.

'his smile is so cute' i thought'don't think like that!!!'  i screamed in my head.

I looked down at his hand and could not help but notice the bruises on his wrist, but I didn't say anything, thinking that would be rude to ask.

"s-so where w-would you like to go first?" I ask stuttering a little I don't know why but this boy was making me nervous, probably because hes super hot!! there is no way a boy like that could ever like me, I thought, and theirs no way a boy like that could be gay.

"do you have a gym?" dean ask while grabbing his pass. "y-yeah, sure lets go" I grab my pass and open the door for dean 'great' I thought 'hes a jock, he will defiantly not like me now, it does not matter' I thought

  'if he knew about me or knew about my family he will be disgusted with me and will hate me, i don't need that, i just have to keep him away from me after today, which won't be hard since he will probably make friends and forget all about me...just like everyone else.'











Ok guys this is going to be a long story and i will try and update as much as i can, but that wont be much of a problem because i don't really have a life.

comment what you think so far :) :) :)

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