Chapter 31

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Dean's P.O.V. 

"this does not mean your innocent yet" he says to me harshly

my heart shattered at this

of course

i ruined it for us, it's not like hes going to want me back

no one ever does

but that doesn't mean i won't fight for him 

after lisa leaves the room 

an awkward silence falls between us 

i am the first to speak up

"dean..." but he trailed off not really sure on what to say

but i came to the rescue by finishing his sentence

"cas, why did you do it?" i ask him

he breathes in a little 

and answers back "why the hell do you think dean? i saw her on top of you, kissing you dean, how the hell do you think that made me feel?!?"

i looks away from him but then back up to his eyes "cas, i would never hurt you like that" i say

"like that?" he asks, anger rising in his voice

"no that's not what i meant!!" i say frantically looking at him with worried eyes 

"i think that's exactly what you meant, you will hurt me, just like everyone else!! but you know what dean?!? it will hurt even more.." he says

Castiel's P.O.V. 

at this point i was shouting at him

"YOU KNOW WHY DEAN?!? BECAUSE I FRICKEN LOVE YOU OK?? IT WILL HURT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!" i yell looking straight into his green eyes

he just stared at me with wide eyes and mouth open

my eyes widened back at the realization of what i just said 

"c-cas..." he says weakly 

"i-i..." i tried to talk but i couldn't 

what the hell do i do? what the hell do i say

i just fricken told him i love him, the forbidden words

and i can't take it back

not that i wanted to

it's true i did love him

i just never brought up that word, we were waiting i guess

waiting for what? i don't know

but i guess that time is now

but what will he say back?

"cas..." he starts 

he pull out a piece of paper and hands it to me

i open it and see that it's an adoption paper for...

a puppy?

i look up at him in confusion

"this was the surprise i was going to give you tonight, at our spot, that puppy you saw at the pet store, i adopted it for you cas, we can raise him together, bobby said it was ok, we can go get it as soon as your out"

i looked back at the certificate and saw the name 'Angel' written in the name box for the puppy

i smiled at this and looked at dean, seeing that he was holding back tears

"i love you too cas" he says

tears brim my eyes and i just look at him with absolute love in my eyes

we both hug eachother and i can hear him chocking back his tears

we keep hugging and soon we weren't crying anymore

we pull back when we hear a knock at the door 

"cassie? sorry to interrupt but the nurse would like to come in" gabe says poking his head in

"it's ok gabe let her in" i tell him

the nurse walks in and looks at me and dean with wide eyes 

i look at dean and back at him with wide eyes as well 

"castiel!!" she says with a big smile

it was the nurse we had last time i was at the hospital

"hey nurse" i say nicely

"and hello boyfriend dean" she says making her smile bigger

*later the next day*

lisa went home, after still apologizing for a million times

sam and gabe went out doing god knows what

bobby was working and ellen was working

meaning dean and i had the house to ourselves

we were sitting on the couch when dean just randomly asks 

"were you jealous?" he asks

"of what?" i ask back 

"of me and lisa?" he asks looking at me

"what do you mean?" i ask looking at him back 

"today at school you kept giving her dirty glares behind her back, are you jealous?" he asks again

"n-no dean, i-i'm not" i say a little nervously, but the truth was, i was TOTALLY jealous

but i would never EVER say that to his face

but i had a feeling that he knew i was lying by the smirk he was giving me

"what?" i ask

his smirk grows a bit bigger

"don't worry cas" he says "just think, their are some things that i can do to you, that i can't with her"

my face blushes a little but i look at dean with a little smirk of my own

"like what?" i ask, kind of already knowing what he was talking about

he leans forward and whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine, but in a good way

he says 

"why don't i just show you?" 



so the next chapter will be interesting ;)

and i am sorry to say but the story will be ending soon


ok bye :) 

Destiel (Highschool AU) I Like You...a LotWhere stories live. Discover now