Chapter 4

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Castiel's P.O.V.

Crowley looked at me with a smirk then back at dean "he didn't tell you did he?" my stomach flipped, not in the good way. 

I felt like I was going to throw up, next thing I knew I was running out of the gym. I felt so stupid for running out of the gym, i should have just stayed and waited for dean's hurtful words along with crowley and his friends.

 But i couldn't handle that right now i found a janitors closet where i go to hide from crowley sometimes. sometimes i skip class to go there and just think or draw, it's ok, nobody ever goes in it, rarely the janitors. 

I ran in and shut the door behind me, i felt like screaming and punching something, but i knew that wasn't going to help the situation right now.

i brought my legs to my chest and buried my face into knees, and started to cry, i didn't care how loud i cried, it was during school and everyone was in their classes, so nobody would be able to hear me, but someone did.

 I heard the door open and froze. 'shit, please don't be a teacher, please don't be a teacher' i begged over and over in my mind.

 i did not want a lecture right now. 

"cas?" i heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to see dean standing there with the door open. "close the door" i said

 "if your going to hate me i would not like anyone to hear what your going to say." he closed the door and i wiped my face with my sleeve.

 "what?" dean says to me with one eyebrow up. "c'mon just get it over with" I drop my head back to my knees 

"get what over with?" dean says i stand up and look him dead in the eye i felt angry, "go ahead, hate me!! tell me i'm a faggot!! that i'm going to burn in hell!! make jokes about me!! i don't care!! just get it over with!!" dean looked shocked and i was too, i cant believe i just said that.

 i closed my eyes and took a deep breath i was going to say something when all i felt was warmth and comfort i opened my eyes and realized that dean was hugging me. 

i didn't know if i should have hugged back but i secretly hoped that he would never let go because it felt so nice. 

He kept on hugging me so i wrapped my arms around him as well and hugged him, it felt so nice then dean pulled away and looked at me

 "cas i would not hate you because your gay, i have a childhood friend named Charlie, she's gay too and she tells me all the horrible things people do to her all the names they call her and i feel so bad for her, look crowley is a jerk and i want to help you, ok?"

 i was speechless i did not know what to say. 'he wants to help me ?' 'does this mean somebody actually cares about me?'

 i did not know what to say so i just nodded my head "cas, i know i just met you, but here"

 dean says as he takes out a piece of paper and a pen and writes down his number and hands it to me 

"if anything ever happens and you need to talk don't hesitate to call me ok?" 

i was still a little speechless, but confused at the same time so i asked him


"yeah?" he answered 

"did you call me cas?" 

dean smiled "well Castiel is a long name, and i thought cas was a good nickname, is that ok if i call you cas?" 

i nodded "dean? does this mean we are friends?" 

dean laughed "sure cas, now c'mon i don't think either of us want to stay in this school any longer, do you want to skip?" 

i thought about it for a second and he was right i did not want to stay in this school right now so i smiled and nodded my head and we made our way out the school's front doors.

AUTHORS NOTE: comment what you think so far!! :)

and sorry the story might be slow but this is going to be a long story so...yeah...ok bye!!

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