Chapter 25

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Castiel's P.O.V. 

i walked upstairs and took a deep breathe before knocking on sam's door

"sam?" i ask "it's me, cas" i say kind of sounding like an idiot

he opens the door, and i could see why dean was so worried, he looked absolutely broken

but why?

"sam? what's up?" i ask in a gentle voice

he doesn't answer me

instead he sits on the edge of his bed and puts his head in his hands 

i hear a slight whimper come from him 

"sam?" i try again "whatever it is you can tell me, i won't tell any-"

he cuts me off "i'm so stupid castiel" 

"why would you say that? sam, you are the smartest person that i know" i tell him with my hand on his shoulder

he looks up at me with tears in his eyes and says "i don't mean that kind of stupid, i stupid" 

 "what?" i ask 

"i suck at love castiel, and i need your help because i'm so damn confused" he says looking in my eyes with plead 

"sam..." i say "i don't know if i'm the best person to ask for help about love, i mean...i haven't had a very good experience with it" i tell him with sadness and guilt in my voice

"yeah" he says looking away at his feet "but you know more about being gay then anyone i know"

my eyes widen and i am in complete shock "are you saying your gay?" i ask trying to get some answers 

"i don't know" he says "that's why i wanted to talk to you, it's about..." he trails off 

"it's ok sam, i promise i won't tell anyone" i say to him 

he nods his head "gabe" 

"what about gabe?" i ask, but i had a feeling i already knew, and the idea made a little smile come to my face

"w-we...we kissed" he says while looking at me 

my eyes widened a little but i smiled at him "ok, did you like it?" i asked 

at that moment i kind of knew how he felt, his first kiss with a boy

i remember kissing a boy for the first time, it was different, confusing

 but better then when Lisa Braeden, when i first came to the school, she tried to get me into her 'posse'  by kissing me

 i didn't like it, or her so i declined her offer and she's hated me ever since she still hates me  

 luckily i was older then sam, and i knew about being bi, and gay

but poor sam, probably has no idea what is happening, well i am going to help him

"yeah" he says "i'm not going to lie i did, i felt a spark and a warm feeling in my stomach"

he looks at me with a little bit of terror in his eyes "is that bad?"

i chuckle at him a little bit "no, that's a good thing, it means you may have feelings for him" 

he looks back down at his feet "but hes my best do i even know if he..." he gives out a long sigh 

"look" i say to him "if it helps gabe is a pretty open person, just talk to him" 

"how?" he asks "what the hell am i even supposed to say? i don't even know what i am, am i bi or gay?" 

"don't worry about it" i say to him 

he looks at me "don't worry about it? how am i supposed to kno-" 

i cut him off "you don't have to know right now sam, i promise you will figure it out soon enough, hey if you like gabe then go for it, tell him that you want to try it, i know he will understand, gabe might be a dumbass sometimes, but when it comes to this he is pretty smart and knows how to react and what to say, hes been gay almost as long as i have" 

"so what do i do?" he asks again 

i put my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eyes "if you like gabe, then tell him, maybe something will happen, and if your together and you like it, then stay, and be happy...and if you are with him and you maybe still have feelings for girls then maybe theirs a possibility that your bi, i know it's confusing sam, but you will be fine i promise, gabe will be there to help you, ok?" 

he nods his head and looks at me again "thanks cas" he hugs me and i hug him back "anytime sam" 

 we heard the front door open, sam looks at me  and says "here goes nothing" 

Gabes's P.O.V. 

i could feel the tears in my eyes as i sat in the movie theater next to dean with charlie on the other side of him

none was sitting next to me, i just wish with all my heart that sam was sitting next to me, smiling every time his favorite actor comes on, or laughing his cute little laugh

but hes not, because i ruined it 

i had to kiss him

but i couldn't help it...who could resist such a perfect sexy face

i see dean look at me from the corner of his eye 

"hey gabe" he says to me

i turn to him and look at him with sad eyes "yeah?" i answer

"everything alright?" he asks 

i like dean, he really is a nice guy

a lot like sam in a way, just a little bit more of the asshole attitude, but in a good way.

i am glad he is dating cassie, i will have another person to talk to besides my brother, and my crush (sam)

plus it also adds another person to pull pranks on

"yeah, i'm just worried about sam" i answer back he nods his head 

"i'm sure hes fine, cas will help him, hes pretty good at that" i smile a little but it slowly fades away 

"here" dean says handing me a box, i couldn't tell what it was, the movie theater was too dark at the moment

i looked a little closer and saw that it was a big box of gummy worms

my second favorite candy!! following after lollipops 

i looked at dean while smiling and say "thanks dean!!" 

he nodded his head "cas told me you like those, so i thought i would cheer you up, you looked so sad this whole time" 

i nodded my head a little sadly but smiled back at dean and started eating the gummy worms 

i then thought to myself i already ruined the friendship between me and sam so why not just go for it? 

ok i will, it's decided

i am going to tell sam how i feel 


 as soon as we get home, i am going to ask him out

might as well

what do i got to lose, either way our friendship is ruined

hes probably telling cas how much he hates me 

my heart shatters a little thinking about sam hating me, but i push those feelings aside

too bad, i'm going to do it

i'm going to ask out sam winchester 

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