Chapter 15

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Castiel's P.O.V.

We pulled up to a mini-market and i was very confused. he told me he would be right back so i waited and thought he was acting very weird.

when he came back, he threw a bag in the bag, i was just about to ask him, what was in it when he told me that bobby asked him to pick up some stuff, i nodded my head and he started the car.

we sat their in silence for a little bit and when i was going to ask if he was ok he turned to me and said he was not feeling well.

we came to a compromise and we decided that we would go to our secret place Friday.

although i was a little disappointed that we could not go today, i knew that it would be better for dean if we did not go today.

when we got to bobby's sam and gabe were sitting at the table, they yelled at us playfully a little until we all sat down and started eating, it was a lot of fun.

we told funny stories and laughed until we couldn't breathe.

when we were done i leaned over to gabe and told him "we should thank bobby, gabe" he gave me a little confused look but i knew he knew a little of what i meant

"for giving us a home" i continued "and a family" gabe smiled a little and nodded.

when it got a little later bobby announced that we all had to go to bed because we had school tomorrow, i looked at gabe and we both nodded at eachother and ran over to bobby before he went up the stairs.

sam and dean were in the other room cleaning off the dinner table

"hey bobby?" i asked, he turned around and asked us "what's wrong son?" the fact that he called me son made me happy and i smiled a little bit "we just wanted to thank you, for giving us a home and a loving family"

he smiled and looked at both of us "your quite welcome" he said "it may be little and broken but it's a good family" he added.

me and gabe nodded our heads and bobby opened his arms we all went in for a group hug and i felt like i actually felt family kind of love, for once.

when we all were starting to get ready to go to bed dean was in the bathroom when my phone buzzed in my pocket, i looked at it and saw it was a message from my brother lucifer

Lucifer : because of you all my friends think i'm weird because my brother's a homo, you are such an idiot Castiel!! i am going to make your life a living hell, i know you are living with that Winchester kid, just wait till you get to school tomorrow!!

my heart sank in my chest, i could just hear lucifer laugh with that smile that says 'i'm going to kill you in your sleep'

i hated that smile, or smirk, or whatever it is!!

i immediately felt sick, how did he know i was living with dean and his family? i decided to ask him, i quickly texted him while standing outside of my bedroom door

Castiel: how would you know who i was living with??

he texted back almost instantly

Lucifer: BECAUSE YOU DUMB-ASS!!! his guardian had to sign him in the school, and you KNOW that our uncle is friends with the secretary, he just wanted to see if you were still with that stupid Winchester kid.

Castiel: first off, hes not my uncle anymore, he is a monster who never want to see or hear from ever again, and second of all YES i am living with the Winchesters and i am happier then i have ever been living with you guys!!!

as soon as i sent that text i got an uneasy feeling and when he texted back i immediately regret ever even texting him back.

Lucifer: well, i hope you have a good night because tomorrow is going to be hell for you, YOU FAG!!!

Lucifer: oh and don't worry you won't be alone, we will make sure that your boyfriend gets a lesson as well. have a nice night castiel, while you still can :)

i could feel my whole body flush, 'oh god' i thought 'he is going to hurt dean'

all of the sudden dean was by my side asking me "cas, are you ok?" i looked at him and saw a figure behind him

i looked behind dean and saw bobby standing their with his arms crossed and a little grin on his face.

i looked at the ground and saw dean turn around, i heard bobby say some things but i was too worried to think about it, all i heard was "in your own rooms tonight boys, got it?"

we both nodded and he said " idjits"

went into our rooms, i knew dean was not going to stay in his room, so when i heard the quiet knock come from the secret little door, i opened it and motioned for him to come sit on my bed.

he did and he asked me again "what's wrong?" i told him that i did not want to got to school, he laughed a little and said "that's it?" i looked into his eyes and saw happiness in his eyes i was afraid of that going away, i wanted to see him happy and not in pain, i knew that if i told him what lucifer told me then he would worry about it all night, and i wanted to have one last good sleep before lucifer does whatever he turned concerned once he saw that i was not kidding.

"why not?" he asked me i decided that i would not worry him and said "never mind, forget i said anything, i'm fine dean, really" he looked me more in the eyes and asked again "cas, if something is bothering you, you can tell me you know that right?" i nodded my head and said "it's fine, it's just...i don't want to get up early in the morning" he smiled and nodded his head a little, i know he knew something was wrong, but he did not say anything.

later we both ended up laying on my bed with our hands intertwined but nothing further then that.

i was still awake when he fell asleep, i looked at dean sleeping so peacefully and noticed all of his amazing features

i then realized at that moment that i would protect him from lucifer.

i am tired of hiding and watching the people that are important to me get hurt because of me.

lucifer is my problem and i am not going to drag dean, sam, or bobby down with me.

i am going to fight for them.

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