Chapter 16

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Castiel's P.O.V.

when we got to the school my hands were shaking and i felt sick to my stomach

i couldn't stay home, because dean would go alone, and i can't imagine the things lucifer could do to dean when i'm not there.

dean and i walked into the school side by side, sam and gabe already separated from us.

when we walked in, we both noticed people giving us weird looks, some just confused stares and some very nasty looks.

dean leaned over and whispered something to me "what's with everyone this morning?" i did not want to tell him so i just shrugged my shoulders and we continued walking to our lockers.

luckily mine and dean's locker were only 3 lockers down from eachother.

when we got to our locker both of our mouths opened in shock, what we saw was the word fag and homo's written in black spray paint on our lockers. 

when i saw it, it did not feel right. Lucifer wouldn't do this, he is the type to beat someone to death, not do little pranksy things like this...something wasn't right. 

i looked over at dean and saw his face turned from shocked to angry, he looked at me and said "do you know who did this?" i shook my head quickly, technically i knew it was not lucifer, so i really did not know who it was. 

he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door after seeing nobody was in there and asked me again "cas, who did it?" 

"dean, i don-" he cut me off by grabbing my solders and looking into my eyes "cas, don't give me that crap, last night you looked all worried and sick to your stomach, you said that you didn't want to go to school, and then dropped it, i let it slide once but you have to tell me now, what happened cas?"

 i looked away and he let go of me, i pulled out my phone and went to the text messages that lucifer sent me, i handed it to dean and waited while he read them, he gave the phone back to me.

"are you mad?" i asked him , he looked at me and said "not at you" i nodded my head "cas, it is not your fault that your brother is a doushbag"

 i shook my head "i'm sorry dean" he looked at me with a mix of confusion and shock

 "why?" he asked "because this is all my fault, i never should have dragged you into my problems" he walked over to me and grabbed my pinkie finger with his,

 he looked down at our fingers and said "cas, i don't care what they say, all i care is that you are not hurt" he looked up and i looked him in the eyes

 "why? why do you feel the need to protect me?" he let go of my pinkie and said "because your my friend cas, and i want to help you" 

i shook my head a little bit "i'm pretty sure friends don't ask out other friends on dates" i said with a little smile

he smiled back and he said back "c'mon we are going to be late" we started walking towards the bathroom door. 

i was still a little bit shaky i knew that lucifer did not do the locker thing, then who did? 

my question was answered as soon as we walked out of the bathroom together. there were people still looking at us and one guy came up to us and said "so is it true?" 

we both looked at eachother "excuse me?" i asked him "are you guys a couple?" i turned to dean and saw him get a little angry "who told you that?!?" he guy a little more shy now that dean used his angry voice pointed over to a group of people with crowley and his friends and lucifer standing together,

 he turned back towards us and said "he has been telling everyone that you guys were a couple and your living together, is that true?" i looked towards dean and his face was more mad now.

"a lot of people are disgusted by you guys, that is why they wrote on your lockers" he added deans face became furious. 

i quickly improvised and gabbed dean's arm and ignored the guy, i pulled dean away from him, but then dean pulled me towards lucifer and crowley

 "what the hell is wrong with you, you son of a bitch?!?" dean said in an angry voice. "why, what ever do you mean, darling?" crowley said in a sarcastic voice "shut the hell up crowley, i'm talking to the other asshole" he eyed lucifer and lucifer stepped forward

 "so...your the one who made my brother gay" that comment made me angry and before dean could say anything i remembered that i was going to fight for him. 

i stepped in front of him and pushed him back a little, i think he was a little shocked because he made no movement to try and fight me back.

 "it was not his fault lucifer" i glared at him and he gave me a sarcastic grin "castiel, do not cover for him, we could help you, we just have to-" 

i cut him off "THIS IS WHO I AM LUCIFER!!! you can not change me, i was gay before i even met dean!! and you know what i don't care what you say anymore, you can not hurt me, i don't care if the whole school knows i'm gay, HELL I DON'T CARE IF THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD KNOWS I'M GAY!!!!" 

lucifer's mouth was hanging open and his face was full of anger and shock probably because i have never talked back at him, or anyone before. "watch your mouth castiel, or your going to regret it" 

my anger rose even more, who was he to tell me what to do, i don't live with him anymore "SCREW YOU ASSBUTT!! YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME ANYMORE!!!" 

i turned around and faced dean who had a little smile on his face "what?" i said quietly so only he could hear me "assbutt?" he asked i just shrugged my shoulders and turned back to lucifer who had anger raging in his eyes "your going to regret that castiel i promise you that"  

i then started to calm down a little seeing as we were making a scene in the middle of the hallway "lucifer, why can't you just let it go...i'm not in your life anymore"

 he shook his head "because your my brother, and i can't have my brother being a faggot" 

the word faggot hit me hard and the fact that he used it in that sentence made angry. i shook my head slowly "brother? you are NOT my brother lucifer, gabe, gabe is my brother, he supports me and cares for me, like a brother should, but you..." i chuckled coldly at him "you are not my brother"

 i then turned around and grabbed dean's arm and we both walked to our class, neither of us looked at eachother and no words were passed only silence.   

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