Chapter 18

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Castiel's P.O.V. 

the rest of the week have been hell, dean and i both have been getting nasty letters in our locker and stupid little pranks and comments on us all week.

their was nothing we could do, neither of us wanted to go to the principle, we both knew it would just make things worse,

 so we just kept our heads down and our mouths shut, although at home was a different story, dean and i have become more closer, we are happy at home, like the things at school don't even happen, we just enjoy each others company.

 today is Friday and dean is out running errands for bobby, he said when he comes back he will drive us to our secret place.

 which i have been waiting for for a while, i can't wait to go, i am laying in my bed waiting for dean, only wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt, why dress up for a place where no one can see you, except dean. and no one said it was a date, so i didn't care 

i feel my phone buzz and look at the text message from dean. 

Dean: get dressed in something comfortable and nice, ok? 

Castiel:  ok, but why?

Dean: it's a surprise, i 'm taking you on a date, i will be there in 5 minutes

i practically jumped out of bed when i read the last text '5 MINUTES?!?' i thought to myself.

 i need to hurry!! i quickly slipped on my white button up shirt with my black visor over it, i then slipped on my black dress pants, that were actually pretty comfortable. 

i knew it was going to be cold at this time of the year so i grabbed my trenchcoat and slipped it on.

 i was going to brush my hair until i heard deans car horn outside, so i said "screw it" and ran outside with my hair still a mess. 

i was so exited, 'dean is taking me on a date, OH MY GOD!!! '

i climb in the car and see dean looking at me smirking a little bit "what?" i ask him "nothing" he says looking in front of him, still with a smirk on his face. 

we start driving to our place, but dean stops the car a little bit away from the place, far enough so we can't see it. 

"why did you stop?" i asked him "we walk form here" he said while walking ahead.

 i follow him quickly and soon my excitement got ahead of me and i walked a little faster until i was in front of dean and looking around me.

 the sun was setting soon and the pink, orange, blue sky looked beautiful. 

when we walked a little further, their was a little light that grew bigger and bigger the closer we walked.

 when we got to our place i was absolutely speechless. 

Dean's P.O.V. 

after a pretty rough week for me and cas we managed to get past it all. 

it's Friday and cas thinks that i am going to run errands for bobby, which i am actually setting up the surprise date for cas that i have been planing for a whole week. 

i set up lights around the trees, put a picnic blanket on the ground with a picnic basket on it with food i knew cas would love. 

i also brought a stereo so we could listen to nice music. when i was done setting everything up i looked at what i made and i really hoped cas would like it, no i hoped he would love it. 

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